Sunday, September 30, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #14

14.  Being my dream for my child

More than anything in the world I want my little girl to be happy.  This week for some reason I am acutely aware of how much she means to me... she is my everything...
And much more than my own happiness, I want her to be happy.  I don't want to live through her, but I want to teach her how to find a pathway to happiness.  I don't want to choose that path for her, but I want her to find it and confidently walk it, without faltering, without self sabotaging, without fear... I want her to stride into her happiness with her head held high.
And there is only one way that I can think of to teach her that... and that is by leading the way.  In a thousand obvious and invisible ways she is learning from me every day.  She is sucking in my way of thinking, living, believing and choosing.  She is imprinting her mind with the things I say and do...and of course, like every mother, I hear myself coming out of her mouth on a daily basis.
So this is my challenge... I need to teach her to find her inner beauty and let it guide her in choosing a path of happiness.  I need to show her how to do it.
And so I need to do it myself.  I need to find in me the confidence, the bravery, the trust and the commitment to stride forward towards happiness.  I need to take her with me on my journey inside myself to find my inner happiness.
I need to be the way I want her to be, and live the life I want for her.
I need to be happy.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #13

13.  Just do it anyway... trust!

I notice today how often I mentally sabotage my own enjoyment... I agree to things, throw myself into ideas, organise things...and then in the moments that precede them I lose the joy.  In the minutes or hours before a social event, or an unusual activity, begins, even though I have previously been filled with enthusiasm, I lose my nerve, my joy in the idea... I resent it, kick myself or organising it, become attached to my homeostasis in the face of impending disruption.  And then I do it anyway, because I have committed, and I love it.
Sometimes I pull out and on those occasions I will never know if I would have loved it, but I do know that the times I don't pull out are almost always great.
Why do I doubt it?
Why do I doubt myself?
Why do I tell myself I don't want something that clearly has a stack of evidence behind the premise that I will enjoy it?  While  I am there, why do I also tell myself I don't want to exercise when the evidence is definitely in that I will feel better if I do...?
So my inner beauty inspiration for today is to keep encouraging myself to "just do it"...and forge my way through the last minute cold feet and into the promised land.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The most inspiring beauty in my life ...

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #12

12.  Remembering that under it all we are all the same, and we just want to be happy...even if we are a bit misguided about how we go about it.  So if someone upsets you or makes you angry...if they do wrong by you... remember - its just their poor stupid misguided attempt to find a little crumb of happiness - and forgive them...

Countering Stress and Depression
By HH Dalai Lama

At a fundamental level, as human beings, we are all the same; each one of us aspires to happiness and each one of us does not wish to suffer. This is why, whenever I have the opportunity, I try to draw people's attention to what as members of the human family we have in common and the deeply interconnected nature of our existence and welfare.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #11

11. Knowing the physical body will eventually be ash, but your legacy will remain...

Today's Inner Beauty Inspiration comes from the idea of letting go of the focus on outer beauty.  There was a photo posted on Facebook of a woman with very obvious facial hair... the rest speaks for itself.  And I applaud whole-heartedly...

Shout out to this truly fresh and fearless Kaur! After finding her picture posted in Reddit's "Funny" section under the title, "I'm not sure what to conclude from this", Balpreet Kaur responded: 

"...I'm a baptized Sikh woman with facial hair. Yes, I realize that my gender is often confused and I look different than most women. However, baptized Sikhs believe in the sacredness of this body - it i
s a gift that has been given to us by the Divine Being [which is genderless, actually] and, must keep it intact as a submission to the divine will. Just as a child doesn't reject the gift of his/her parents, Sikhs do not reject the body that has been given to us. By crying 'mine, mine' and changing this body-tool, we are essentially living in ego and creating a seperateness between ourselves and the divinity within us. By transcending societal views of beauty, I believe that I can focus more on my actions. My attitude and thoughts and actions have more value in them than my body because I recognize that this body is just going to become ash in the end, so why fuss about it? When I die, no one is going to remember what I looked like, heck, my kids will forget my voice, and slowly, all physical memory will fade away. However, my impact and legacy will remain: and, by not focusing on the physical beauty, I have time to cultivate those inner virtues and hopefully, focus my life on creating change and progress for this world in any way I can. So, to me, my face isn't important but the smile and the happiness that lie behind the face are..."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #10

10.  Knowing that more is not necessarily better

 I am nursing a sore head... its not too bad, but its a hang over... I failed to learn from experience...and once again I thought it would be a great idea to have a second glass of that yummy wine.  All too recently I learned that two glasses makes me feel like crap the next day at the moment (cadbury's girl!).  For some reason I am not tolerating more than one glass and still being friends with my body the next day.
But the wine was yummy, and it had been a long of course my mind told me "hey, you like it, you deserve it...have more!" and it was a slippery slope from there.
Because its all too easy to subscribe to the super-size culture of more-ism...
I think its a survival instinct - get while the going is good because you never know when a bear is going to eat your head... but of course these days we have evolved to the point where the instinct is redundant, and yet we continue to blindly follow it...
More is better, more is grand, a glass of wine in the mouth is better than one in the hand...
But its not true.
Moderation people, moderation!
Inner beauty comes is inspired by stopping when you have had taking life slowly and not taking more than you knowing when enough is enough and you are just being a little piggy who will regret it in the morning...
Tis sadly true, that more often means moans...not the well of endless happiness it promises.
Inner beauty requires one to be feeling balanced...and balance means M-o-d-e-r-a-t-i-o-n!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #9

9.  Giving yourself a break
Sometimes its a night to just lay on the couch.  Sometimes its a night to drink not one, but two glasses of wine.  Sometimes its a night off - just because.
Breaks are necessary.  Breaks let us come back stronger and more motivated.
Sometimes we just need to give ourselves a night off.

Monday, September 24, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #8

8. Appreciating natural beauty
Beauty is everywhere... in a leaf, a green tree against a blue sky, a cloud, a new shoot, a flower...
Taking a moment to appreciate a small thing of natural beauty, even if you see it so often you don't notice it any more, changes you in that moment.  In that moment I find I am transported out of my own messy brain and into a space of connectedness with the world around me.  Natural beauty is unfathomably mysterious and limitlessly wonderful.
Today my moment of appreciation was a frangipani tree laden with rich white flowers.  I only glimpsed it from the car as I drove past - but in that moment my mood shifted, I smiled, relaxed and was - for a moment - joyous.  And moments like these can change everything.
So today I remember that taking a tiny teeny moment to pause in appreciation of the wonderous beauty of nature inspires my inner beauty, makes me a better, happier, more grounded, more humble, more present, more open person.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #7

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7.  Not saying no just because...

Above this inspiration you can see the typing of a 3 year old... A three year old who sees her mummy sitting pressing buttons on a computer for too many hours doing "work"... A three year old who asked her mummy if she could please do some work on the 'puter too... and could mummy please leave her alone to do her work...
The natural answer to this would have been "NO"... you cannot sit alone pressing buttons on mummy's work computer... No, of course a three year old shouldn't be left alone with an expensive piece of technology...
No ... No... But.... then I thought about what she could do wrong in a few moments... could she delete the hard drive?  Unlikely.  Where there any liquids near by?  No...  Whats the worst that could happen?  Not sure...  probably nothing too dire...
So I said OK.  I didn't say No...
Too often in life I say No first, and think later.  I say No, just because...even when I am not entirely sure what comes after the because.  I say No because I think that's the better answer without stopping to really think about why, and what could really happen if I said Yes...
So I am inspiring my inner beauty today by saying Yes... instead of No.
And so I opened a blog window and I left her to it.  And she typed the letters above... apparently.
A new moments later I heard a computerised voice coming from the office... I came in quickly.  I have no idea how she did it, or how to do it again...but she was in a section of the control panel that was giving the button options out-loud one after the other... reading out the words on the buttons in a female GPS-style voice.  I had never known that my computer had a voice!
One day I might find it again, or I may not... but somehow she found it...
And see...if I had said "NO" I would never have discovered that my computer had a voice!
There must be some kind of metaphor in that.... 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #6

6. Knowing I can always be and do more...

I can do much more than I think I can, and I can do much more than I do.  I can give more, I can think more, I can work more and play more, I can be more generous, more creative, more thoughtful, more healthy...  Being inspired means I know that I can be more and do more... I don't give in to "thats enough now" thinking...I am limitless.

Friday, September 21, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #5

"Something happens to you when you start looking after yourself: You start to feel precious. You are happy, and it is infectious. People around you are happy too"

Today I found this and it summed up what I have been wanting to articulate.  I wanted to write something about how paradoxically I feel better when I am exercising, eating well, committing to my own health.  Its not just about the endorphins of exercise, its bigger than that.  While my mind tells me I am happier indulging in tasty desirable "unhealthy-ness", diving into chocolate and cheesecake and laying on the couch... my reality tells me that the opposite is paradoxically true.
What I know to be true is that I am happier, more optimistic, more empowered, more positive to others, more energised and more alive when I am "sacrificing" the treats and laziness and making the effort to look after myself.  I know that for some this is no longer an effort - they have committed to it enough that it feels natural rather than like a chore... I hope to get there some day...but in the mean time I will try to hold onto this inner beauty inspiration to encourage me to keep on being committed to health and well-being, and know this honouring of myself will positively infect all of my relationships and endeavours.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #4

So I missed a day... I missed a day because I have been struggling a bit.  I could have forced something, but my heart wasn't it in.  I go up and down at the moment and I have been on a bit of a down slope.  I have been thinking about my future - about the next step after this step.  I have been trying to focus on a goal, to have a sense of what I am working towards...and, for the life of me, I can't see a thing.  Its all fog.  I know I won't stay here much longer than another year (which is, lets face it, quite a long time) but I cannot see beyond here.  And that makes me feel disconnected, like I am standing at the top of a cliff... Its distractingly disconcerting.
And then I found this quote.  And it reminded me... I am so busy worrying about what comes next that I am not here.  I am not engaged.  I am not present.  I am also not achieving what I need to do, and I am not fully experiencing the now.
So I remind myself to stop, breath, be here.
When I am present I am engaged with life.
When I am engaged with life I am able to engage with others in a genuine and present way.
When I am present I am more able to be authentic, real, beautiful on the inside.
So...back to being present in the now.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #3

3. Ask for feedback from others and be humble and open to learning from it.

Today I invited all of my team of managers to give me feedback on my performance.  Usually performance appraisals are done by someone above you, but in my case... as the CEO there is only be Board of Trustees...and they would know almost nothing about my daily work.  So I have set  a time for all of my executive management team to get together and give me feedback.  And I am really looking forward to it!
At the same time we have been doing a staff engagement survey, and some are very positive, and some responses are honest and direct and critical.  And I really appreciate it.  I really do want to know what people are thinking and feeling and what they think should be done better.  Its so inspiring to have the opportunity to learn and grow in this way.
Some people shy away from criticism... they stand strong against it, holding tight to their positive self image in and avoiding any evidence that is contrary to that image.  And paradoxically they think that will help them to be happier - whereas I find that when I am open, undefensive, humble, and eager to learn - then receiving feedback is a wonderful gift.

And it helps others to feel valued and important as well.
So in today's journey of inner beauty inspiration I celebrate humbleness and willingness to take it on the chin and learn, grow and improve.

Monday, September 17, 2012

21 inner beauty inspirations #2

2. Making an effort to do the small things for others that sometimes turn out, unexpectedly, to be the moments that make the difference in a life.

Today I read a story on Facebook (posted below)...I was moved and inspired - it inspired me to remember to go out of my way to do little things for other.  When I am focussed on my inner beauty I think to do the little things that take but a moment and may only last a moment, but which sometimes, occasionally, mean the world.

Once a long time ago I knew a woman who was feeling down.  I didn't know her well, I had worked with her for a short time but wasn't anymore.  I heard from someone else that she was feeling down and, on a whim, I bought a book by HH The Dalai Lama and I wrapped it up and dropped it off at her house.  I didn't go in, just handed her the book and said that I was thinking of her and thought she might like it.  I actually don't know what effect the book had, if any, on her happiness but we did develop, over time and in random moment of connection, a long term friendship that I value highly.  We don't see each other very often, but when we do its wonderful.  Recently she has been in a position to help me with a work issue, and she has gone out of her way to do that.  Dropping that book off remains one of the things that I am proudest of in my life, because it shaped me - it helped me to become someone who does that stuff.  It pushed me out of my comfort zone in a way that became part of how I now define myself.  I am the person who does random acts of kindness and goes out of my way to help a friend or stranger.  I am someone who will turn up on your doorstep with soup.  I am someone who will give you a gift, for no reason, because its something you would like.  I am someone who will stop to compliment someone when they don't expect it.  Last week my nanny mentioned an old lady she knows who is living alone and although she can hardly walk, she is growing all her own food because she has little money and her adult kids are now far away.  So I bought the old lady a months worth of groceries.  Because I could.  Because I am someone who does stuff like that - and it makes me happy to know that - not out of pride or conceit, but because I am so happy and grateful that I learned to be this way.

Remembering this about me helps me feel connected with inner beauty.

I hope you enjoy today's inspiration...

A sweet lesson on patience.

A NYC Taxi driver wrote:

I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I honked again. Since this was going to be my last ride of my shift I thought about just driving away, but instead I put the car in park and walked up to the door and knocked.. 'Just a minute', answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across 
the floor.

After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940's movie.

By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets.

There were no clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or utensils on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard
box filled with photos and glassware.

'Would you carry my bag out to the car?' she said. I took the suitcase to the cab, then returned to assist the woman.

She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb.

She kept thanking me for my kindness. 'It's nothing', I told her.. 'I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother to be treated.'

'Oh, you're such a good boy, she said. When we got in the cab, she gave me an address and then asked, 'Could you drive
through downtown?'

'It's not the shortest way,' I answered quickly..

'Oh, I don't mind,' she said. 'I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice.

I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have any family left,' she continued in a soft voice..'The doctor says I don't have very long.' I quietly reached over and shut off the meter.

'What route would you like me to take?' I asked.

For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator.

We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.

Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, 'I'm tired.Let's go now'.
We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico.

Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move.
They must have been expecting her.

I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair.

'How much do I owe you?' She asked, reaching into her purse.

'Nothing,' I said

'You have to make a living,' she answered.

'There are other passengers,' I responded.

Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug.She held onto me tightly.

'You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,' she said. 'Thank you.'

I squeezed her hand, and then walked into the dim morning light.. Behind me, a door shut.It was the sound of the closing of a life..

I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that day,I could hardly talk.What if that woman had gotten an angry driver,or one who was impatient to end his shift? What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away?

On a quick review, I don't think that I have done anything more important in my life.

We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments.

But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

21 inner beauty inspirations #1

1. Taking a genuine interest in others...
I notice how often conversations with others are exchanges of self focussed stories, rather than genuine conversations which unravel the superficial and get to the heart of a friend's state of being.  I notice how much having young children at the table influences the superficiality of friendships - its much harder to get into an in depth discussion about the more personal aspect of a friend's experiences of life when really, you can only listen with half a brain, and watch with one eye.  I notice how many of my friendships are now based on these half focussed interactions in which story telling is the default because you can do that while multi-tasking and it doesn't require eye contact.
So I ask myself - how can I return to a way of being in which I am able to take a genuine interest in others in the context of their lives?  I reflect on the people I love best, and they are all people who are able to do that - who make me feel like they are really truly interested in what I am thinking, feeling, doing, experiencing...and why that is.  These are the people I miss most, the people I most want to talk to after a hard day, and the people who I am most interested in learning more about.
I am genuinely interested and caring of other people in my life - how can I express and foster that more - to both enhance this inner beauty, and to connect better with the inner beauty of others.
I can :
1. take time to call instead of text.
2. text out of the blue because I am thinking of a friend - and ask them how they are
3. send emails instead of reading about people's lives on facebook and assuming I know whats going on for them
4. randomly contact people I haven't spoken to in years but still think fondly of
5. ask ask ask tell instead of tell ask tell...  a rich conversation has both parties present and included - not all focussed on the other - but I will try to make it less than 25% about me, and the rest about them...questions, reflections, actually asking about the things I am interested in.  Sometimes I hold back out of not wanting to be seen as prying...but its time to put that fear aside and ask.  After-all - I love it when people are interested enough to ask me, and I trust my friends to have boundaries around not feeling pressured to talk about things that they are not comfortable sharing.
6.  Listen, really listen.  The most important part - no point asking and not really paying attention to the answer... when the interest is genuine the listening is a given.
By maintaining focus on others I become the friend I want to be.
And true friends are beautiful.

my inner beauty project...

So... recently put it out to the world that I wanted to be struck speechless by beauty...
I meant that I wanted to fall in love, be blown away in awe and overcome with appreciation for another person.  I got four responses from friends.  One reminded me about the splendour of the world around me...which I had forgotten to appreciate this week.  One sought to give me faith that I would have that experience because I gave it to others - whether I knew it or not...  Which was both exceedingly surprising and reassuring.  One reminded me to look at my angel child... which reminded me that I am indeed deeply in love with her, and am indeed rendered speechless in appreciation on such a regular basis that I almost take it for granted now.  And the fourth urged me to look for it inside my own heart.  This one struck me most.
And I am reminded, once again, that I have indeed lost my perspective on what it is that I really need to do to find satisfaction.  I used to know these truths.  I used to know that if I am feeling unsatisfied in my life then it is inner development that is needed.  I used to be clear in the knowledge that my perception of the world is entirely the product of my own mind and its quality.  I used to be in the habit of knowing that my inner development is more important than any external achievement.  I used to commit time and energy to the quality of my mind rather than the trappings of my life.
And I am frustrated that I have forgotten these things.  I am sad that I am not living them.
So... At the same time as I am making a commitment to improving my outer self through healthy eating and exercise.... I am going to make a commitment to getting my insides back on track.
So... I make this commitment.  I am going to find one thing a day which inspires inner beauty to grow.  And I am going to blog about it.
I read once that it takes 21 days to change a habit - so this will be my challenge to myself.  21 days, 21 things to inspire inner beauty.  21 blog posts to record it.
How very exciting!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

the search...

So I am tired... I'm tired because I don't sleep enough.  I say I don't sleep enough because I am busy working, but that's not the strictly truth.  I do work a lot at night, and I do often need to, to stay on top of the endless mountain of work (or at least on the mountain if not at the top).  But the truth is that I also don't sleep a lot because I stay up too late.  It sounds simple I know, like, duh.  I stay up too late at night so I am tired the next day.  I get this.  Its the reasons why I stay up too late that are more complex.
There is something deeply symbolic about ending a day I think.  Ending a day by choosing to lay your head down, close your eyes and sleep - its an ending that is necessary to go through before the new day can start. For many I know that going to sleep is a blessed escape from the day.  For many it is a practicality - their bodies need sleep, so they go to bed.  For me it has always been more complicated.
When I end a day I like to feel that I have achieved what I wanted for the day.  I end a day happily when I am satisfied with my day, when I am satisfied with my life.  I end a day happily when I feel that the world is in balance.  The rest of the time I go kicking and screaming, metaphorically.  I drag myself off when I can no longer put it off.  When my head has fallen on my keyboard too many times, or my vision is so blurry I can no longer make excuses to stay up.
And this is a sign, its a sign that I am not satisfied.  I push later, longer, harder... compress the sleep hours into less and less space in my life when I am not happy with the awake hours.  Somehow I think that if I just keep going I will find something that gives me the sense of completion I need to happily snuggle in for the night.  And at the moment I am just not finding it.
I realise that I have done this for most of my adult life and I am saddened and disappointed to realise that I have spent a lot of my adult life incomplete.  I have been looking for something for a really long time... what that is totally eludes me.  Maybe its love, maybe its a sense of home, maybe its a "gang", maybe its an intangible sense of belonging.  I have never found it and really - that is just sad.
I want those things.  I truly cannot understand why they have eluded me.
Does anyone else feel like that?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

shrinking media wench

So in the last two weeks I have been on the evening news twice, on the paper 4 times, and done a live Radio Australia interview...  and there is more media coming.   I know, I know... autographs available on request :) Don't worry - I am working on getting smaller in my thongs, not too big for them :)  While I am thrilled for the organisation that we are getting so much great media coverage at the moment - I know its not about me.  Its about the hundreds of people, past and present, who have made us what we are.  I am just the cherry on the sundae!  Not really part of the dessert - just the decoration at the end.
What I am much more proud of is the 2.4kgs I have lost in the last 2 weeks!  Yay me!  Thats all my hard work, and all my glory.  No media for that one, but I did do a happy dance :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

honour roll

So far these are the moments I am proud of this weekend...
- I sat with the angel while she ate hot chips, and I was hungry, and I didn't eat any - even when she lost interest and didn't finish them
- I bought the angel an ice cream after shopping, and it was lunch time, and I was hungry...and I didn't have anything
- I was tired, and sore, and hot...and I finally tried out my zumba wii game... after 6 months of procrastinating it.
- This weekend I almost always kept my patience with the little one, and I am getting better at positive parenting techniques...including getting her out of the pool and on our way home with no tears - and she really really wanted to stay and swim more.
- I bothered to make lasagne instead of throwing something quick together
- I crossed several things off tomorrow's to do list, things I had been procrastinating for some time.
- I helped out a friend

I'm really doing it...

So I don't think I ever really believed that I would do it.  I don't think I really thought that I had it in my to do the 12wbt at the moment.  I wanted to - and I signed up... I think I thought the wanting to was worth the two hundred bucks - just so that I could feel like I was taking steps...
And I couldn't do the first week - so many reasons - but all too hard that week...
But here I am nearing the end of week two - week one and a half for me... and I am doing it!  not only am I doing it, but I am loving it!  I feel so happy to be actually focussing on me for a change... and I also have a real sense of achievement and power over this program.  Unlike the rest of my life.  I can't control my toddler's moods, her sleep, or her impact in my life.  I love it, but I don't have any illusions that I am in control.  She is her own little person and I just work with it.  I can't control my work - I can do my best, but the loading of stuff on me that needs doing, the reluctance of some others to actually do what they need to be doing, the ever changing aid environment - so much is beyond my control and I actively practice letting go...
I can't control the birds eating my tomatoes, or the rain on washing day...
But I can control my weight loss.  I have the tools.  And I can do it.
I was out of control of my weight and my health, and now I have it back - and it feels good damn it!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dora my fat away...

So yes, I am doing another round of 12wbt.  Since I have been here I have been eating my stress away and I have some serious damage to undo.  I'm doing really well with my diet.  Its challenging but my motivation so far has been strong and clear.  There has also been a radical improvement in my exercise - not perfect, not as it should be for the program - but I have gone from nothing to semi-regular workouts.  I'm so pleased!  And the almost 2kg I have lost is really making me happy :-)
Being a CEO, a single mum and living in a country where I don't have any family to call on for babysitting or support is challenging, and I know its not going to be easy.  I can't get many of the foods and snacks I used to have, I don't have reliable babysitting to go to the gym, gluten free low fat food to buy when away from home is pretty much impossible... but I am going to do my very best anyway!
Today was a classic example of being inventive and flexible to get the outcomes... I had just started a zumba wii workout while the little one was napping and she woke up about 10 mins in.  I could have given up at that point, but I didn't.  For a while I convinced her to dance with me, but then she insistently wanted HER dancing wii game, so I completed the rest of a 40 min work out with the Dancing Dora wii game!  I have to say, that chick has some moves and the steps were easier to follow!  I did a little skipping outside while the little one had a dance on her own, and was ready to hit the painting when she got bored...satisfied that I had both had fun with her and lifted my heart rate for a while!  (and I got three gold stars from Dora!).

The CEO and The President

The CEO and The President shared a laugh.... Oh hang on, thats me!  Here I am, hobnobbing, giving speeches to the TV cameras, doing live radio interviews, sending out press releases and being invited to be guest speaker at conferences... Yep, that's me...the CEO.  Chatting with the heads of international aid organisations, hanging with high commission people, and yes, chatting with Presidents.  All in a days work it seems!
Read one of the media examples here, if you feel so inclined... :

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

being healthy makes me happy??

I thought chocolate made me happy... I thought laying on the couch made me happy... I thought not thinking about being unhealthy made me happy...
Turns out I have been wrong.  My readers may have picked up a melancholic theme to my blog in recent days.  Today I experienced my first burst of happy hearted singing and dancing around the house in some months... Today I felt high on life.  Today I actually felt really happy.
Turns out that being healthy actually makes me feel happy.  For the last three days I have been eating clean and lean, I have started exercising, and I have lost 1 kg already.  Today I did a big run at the gym to do my pre-diet fitness test (currently sitting on 9.35 mins to do 1km on the treadmill with a 5 incline).  I also did a bunch of free weights while I was there (and the cute trainer doing weights in front of me didn't hurt).
After I finished I did feel nauseous for a while, but I knew it was just the lactic acid moving around my system.
And then, I felt like dancing...singing... laughing....
And then I felt truly happy.
Its a great start to putting myself and my health first again.

The Jet Newspaper » News » The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) Funds Long-Term Source of Pure Water to Flood Victims in Fiji

The Jet Newspaper » News » The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) Funds Long-Term Source of Pure Water to Flood Victims in Fiji