14. Being my dream for my child
More than anything in the world I want my little girl to be happy. This week for some reason I am acutely aware of how much she means to me... she is my everything...
And much more than my own happiness, I want her to be happy. I don't want to live through her, but I want to teach her how to find a pathway to happiness. I don't want to choose that path for her, but I want her to find it and confidently walk it, without faltering, without self sabotaging, without fear... I want her to stride into her happiness with her head held high.
And there is only one way that I can think of to teach her that... and that is by leading the way. In a thousand obvious and invisible ways she is learning from me every day. She is sucking in my way of thinking, living, believing and choosing. She is imprinting her mind with the things I say and do...and of course, like every mother, I hear myself coming out of her mouth on a daily basis.
So this is my challenge... I need to teach her to find her inner beauty and let it guide her in choosing a path of happiness. I need to show her how to do it.
And so I need to do it myself. I need to find in me the confidence, the bravery, the trust and the commitment to stride forward towards happiness. I need to take her with me on my journey inside myself to find my inner happiness.
I need to be the way I want her to be, and live the life I want for her.
I need to be happy.
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