Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dora my fat away...

So yes, I am doing another round of 12wbt.  Since I have been here I have been eating my stress away and I have some serious damage to undo.  I'm doing really well with my diet.  Its challenging but my motivation so far has been strong and clear.  There has also been a radical improvement in my exercise - not perfect, not as it should be for the program - but I have gone from nothing to semi-regular workouts.  I'm so pleased!  And the almost 2kg I have lost is really making me happy :-)
Being a CEO, a single mum and living in a country where I don't have any family to call on for babysitting or support is challenging, and I know its not going to be easy.  I can't get many of the foods and snacks I used to have, I don't have reliable babysitting to go to the gym, gluten free low fat food to buy when away from home is pretty much impossible... but I am going to do my very best anyway!
Today was a classic example of being inventive and flexible to get the outcomes... I had just started a zumba wii workout while the little one was napping and she woke up about 10 mins in.  I could have given up at that point, but I didn't.  For a while I convinced her to dance with me, but then she insistently wanted HER dancing wii game, so I completed the rest of a 40 min work out with the Dancing Dora wii game!  I have to say, that chick has some moves and the steps were easier to follow!  I did a little skipping outside while the little one had a dance on her own, and was ready to hit the painting when she got bored...satisfied that I had both had fun with her and lifted my heart rate for a while!  (and I got three gold stars from Dora!).

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