Sunday, September 16, 2012

my inner beauty project...

So... recently put it out to the world that I wanted to be struck speechless by beauty...
I meant that I wanted to fall in love, be blown away in awe and overcome with appreciation for another person.  I got four responses from friends.  One reminded me about the splendour of the world around me...which I had forgotten to appreciate this week.  One sought to give me faith that I would have that experience because I gave it to others - whether I knew it or not...  Which was both exceedingly surprising and reassuring.  One reminded me to look at my angel child... which reminded me that I am indeed deeply in love with her, and am indeed rendered speechless in appreciation on such a regular basis that I almost take it for granted now.  And the fourth urged me to look for it inside my own heart.  This one struck me most.
And I am reminded, once again, that I have indeed lost my perspective on what it is that I really need to do to find satisfaction.  I used to know these truths.  I used to know that if I am feeling unsatisfied in my life then it is inner development that is needed.  I used to be clear in the knowledge that my perception of the world is entirely the product of my own mind and its quality.  I used to be in the habit of knowing that my inner development is more important than any external achievement.  I used to commit time and energy to the quality of my mind rather than the trappings of my life.
And I am frustrated that I have forgotten these things.  I am sad that I am not living them.
So... At the same time as I am making a commitment to improving my outer self through healthy eating and exercise.... I am going to make a commitment to getting my insides back on track.
So... I make this commitment.  I am going to find one thing a day which inspires inner beauty to grow.  And I am going to blog about it.
I read once that it takes 21 days to change a habit - so this will be my challenge to myself.  21 days, 21 things to inspire inner beauty.  21 blog posts to record it.
How very exciting!

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