Saturday, August 29, 2009

this mum life...(yawn)

I was just chatting with a friend and she commented that she would love to just sit and read a book in the sunshine til she dozed off... mmmmmmmmmmmm how delightful that would be! Of course I could do that... while my angel had her morning nap....
I did plan on a nap today... I am a little tired, since last night I finally got to bed a midnight and then awoke at 1am from a dream that I was in a house where the back door had been left open and an intruder came in... I awoke to noises and got up to check the house only to find I had, while juggling a washing basket and crying baby, left the back door open! Since I was awake anyway I did the dishes and tidied up a bit until I was relaxed enough to sleep... then cherished a few hours of shut eye until my angel awoke at 4.45am... Having slept well she was ready for play of course, so sleepy mummy fed her and sang songs and read stories and tickled and gooed, and then gave her a long splashy bath... until she was ready for her morning nap around 9am... and then I could have napped myself...
instead made myself a cup of tea and thought I would just get a few things done while she slept... so I cooked a big batch of organic apple puree, did a load of washing and put it away, tidied the house, scrubbed the shower, showered myself, dressed, made the beds, sorted the child's winter blankets away, watered the vegie garden and all the herb pots, sorted the recycling, had breakfast, sterilised the bottles and food storage containers, ironed my clothes for today, did my emails, reviewed and updated my to do list spread sheet, reviewed my study timetable and listed some shares for sale, filed some papers and did my banking... then of course fed and played and sang songs with my angel while she was awake...and now she is sleeping again so I shall go back to dashing about getting things done because we are going out in half an hour to a 2 year old birthday party and I need to buy a present on the way...
thank heavens I did get about 3 hours sleep last night...
I think I am delirious....
but loving it....

1 comment:

Molly Rockamann said...

and yet.. amongst it all, you find time to blog! it must be your escape. i wish it was mine.. i'm dastardly behind in mine!