Monday, August 31, 2009

big girl bed!

My baby has moved into a big girl cot!! No longer the wee wrapped bundle so tiny in the sweet bassinet with the gauze curtain around it...(see previous blog posting for photos) The bassinet is now added to the mountain of clothes, the hammock, and aaaaalmost the newborn nappies in the "grown out of" pile! (see said bassinet and hammock on ebay soon!)
Oh its going soooo fast...

Sadly the latest developmental feat is that she has learned to chuck a righteous tantie... she has a whole new tearless, and exceedingly loud, yell - the type that happens suddenly and repeatedly when she is not getting something she wants, or is being put to bed when she doesn't want... and then stops immediately upon said thing being offered, or distraction being successful. And she stops those little feet and punches the air... it would be cute if it wasn't so terrifying! Oh its only the beginning for my little aries, taurus, virgo child...heaven help me!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

bumbo baby...

We love our new bumbo! Now she can sit up like a big girl and be part of all the action!
(sleepy bumbo baby... just woken up but helping mummy bring in the washing...)

this mum life...(yawn)

I was just chatting with a friend and she commented that she would love to just sit and read a book in the sunshine til she dozed off... mmmmmmmmmmmm how delightful that would be! Of course I could do that... while my angel had her morning nap....
I did plan on a nap today... I am a little tired, since last night I finally got to bed a midnight and then awoke at 1am from a dream that I was in a house where the back door had been left open and an intruder came in... I awoke to noises and got up to check the house only to find I had, while juggling a washing basket and crying baby, left the back door open! Since I was awake anyway I did the dishes and tidied up a bit until I was relaxed enough to sleep... then cherished a few hours of shut eye until my angel awoke at 4.45am... Having slept well she was ready for play of course, so sleepy mummy fed her and sang songs and read stories and tickled and gooed, and then gave her a long splashy bath... until she was ready for her morning nap around 9am... and then I could have napped myself...
instead made myself a cup of tea and thought I would just get a few things done while she slept... so I cooked a big batch of organic apple puree, did a load of washing and put it away, tidied the house, scrubbed the shower, showered myself, dressed, made the beds, sorted the child's winter blankets away, watered the vegie garden and all the herb pots, sorted the recycling, had breakfast, sterilised the bottles and food storage containers, ironed my clothes for today, did my emails, reviewed and updated my to do list spread sheet, reviewed my study timetable and listed some shares for sale, filed some papers and did my banking... then of course fed and played and sang songs with my angel while she was awake...and now she is sleeping again so I shall go back to dashing about getting things done because we are going out in half an hour to a 2 year old birthday party and I need to buy a present on the way...
thank heavens I did get about 3 hours sleep last night...
I think I am delirious....
but loving it....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

the joy of parenthood...

Oh there are moments that are so joyous, so blissful, so exploding with bubbles of happy laughing everything is just perfect feeling....

... and then there are moments of aching tiredness from being awake half the night with a child crying from teething pain...

and then there are moments of projectile vomit in the face...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Sunday, August 23, 2009

bridge street brasserie

Twas a gastronomic delight...

In appreciation of my parents tireless help and support... bridge
street brasserie last night launched its degustation menu. Many thanks to Guest Chef Great Kate for invaluable collaborative assistance...

Fresh Strawberry Daiquiris

Buckwheat Blini
with Smoked Salmon, Sour Creme and Garden Grown Dill
with Matured Goats Chevre and Spiced Fig Paste

Iron Bark Smoked Kalamata Olives
Feta and Blue Vein Stuffed Giant Green Olives

Fresh Coffin Bay Oysters with Lime Infused Vodka

Duck, Cranberry and Bush Lime Pate with Spelt Walnut Sourdough Toasts

Sauteed Baby Asparagus Spears with Shaved Parmesan and Cracked Pepper

Grilled Peppers and Oven Roasted Roma Tomato Soup with Thyme Labna

Pink Grapefruit, Pistachio and Japanese Mustard Greens Salad

Garlic King Prawns on Pepper Fettucini

Tasting Platter of
Fresh Baclava
Hand Made Rose Water Turkish Delight
Dark Chocolate and Pistachio Rocky Road
Fresh Strawberries

A truely memorable meal...

And tonight... another exciting gastronomic moment... my first experience of seiving vegetables for baby food!

Oh so gorgeous... and so grown up!
My little angel learned to fly this weekend in her new very favourite toy... the jolly jumper has leapt into our home with great squeals of joy.... finally I am free!!

and earlier in the day...

Ever the style queen, my angel takes a casual saturday wander in the farmer's markets... assisted by her loyal servants...and disappointed that the "mothers milk cheese stand" idea has not yet taken off...

yummy mummy!

So I it seems that I am indeed a yummy mummy :-) I have it from the very best authority!


words can mean so much and yet so little at the same time...
we speak, we trade words...
and in that moment the meaning of our words seems to create a reality - a reality conjured into existence by the act of speech, the act of collecting words together in just the right way to convey a meaning...
yet really...they are just words
and the meaning is not permanent, not static...
and sometimes the intended meaning dies away as fast as the sound of the word falling on ears and fading...
sometimes the meaning changes and mutates over time, leaving the words behind...

some words make promises which were meant when made
some words make promises which cannot be unmade
some words fail to make promises which could have been made

words are given the power to hurt, to heal,
to break, to seal, to cut, to deal , to hope, to feel...
they are the tools of love, the building blocks of friendship, the weapons of destruction, and the vessels of pain...
and yet, at the end of the day, they are just words...
nothing less nothing more...
just words

Friday, August 21, 2009

I love this line... thanks to dreamcatcher

“ You see the colors in me
like no one else…

of babies and bears...

Once upon a sunny day...
one little girl went out to play!
She went to a place where the animals roamed free...
and laughed at a koala sitting on a tree (that cannot be comfortable!)

Once rescued from the goo-goo ga ga japanese tourists...
and having dodged bendy kneed ostriches,
it was time for cake!
And a merry merry time was had by all,
expecially our little friend, the birthday girl!

Oh so much fun was had by all! I think a nap might beeee zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

melting smiles....

So she may have had me up every two hours last night
So she may have also decided this morning that sleep is over-rated, depriving me of the nap I was so looking forward to...
But with smiles like these... how can I complain?

Every day at the moment brings new little magical milestones...
Yesterday she managed to put her dummy in her mouth by herself! I don't know if I was more surprised than her!

Yesterday she also taught herself to moonwalk :-) She stands up so strongly, with only a helping hand for balance...and her grandpa has decided she will of course be advanced, and is trying to teach her to put one foot in front of the other and walk holding his hand... imagine my surprise when I held her hand yesterday while she repeatedly moon-walked backwards across the change table!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

heart stream

laying in the shallows
i breath gently and feel held
i breath gently and feel the tickle of the flow around me
softly flowing over me, under me, around me, past me
floating in the stream
i notice
i feel
i breath
pores alive with gentle sensations
i am a part of it and yet not
as in each moment it passes
and is renewed around me
i let myself be held in the shallows
tickled by the passing flow
knowing it is constantly changing
and yet it stays the same
in simplicity I lay in the stream
not obstructing
not splashing
not moving
just being
in the shallows

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

mother love #2

So I have a new friend...her child is unwell. When we met she told me a simple story of a child who spent long weeks in hospital, with her by his side. Since then, each time we talk, I hear more about the incredible struggles and hurdles she has overcome to nurse her child into the best health he can have. Each time she tells me a little more about the trials they have endured, the challenges they have faced... humbly, honestly, matter-of-factly...each time she tells me a little more about how strong she has been. I sometimes feel like this single mum business is a tad tricky... but then I think about what my new friend tells me... and I exhale any self-concern...I shake off any self sympathy.... my new friend says that mothers are incredible people, that you do what you need to do... and I know that some mothers deserve a pedestal, an award, a red carpet event.... and so much more... my new friend is one of those mothers. She is an inspiration.

mother love

when she was new... I was thrilled by the idea of her
when she was less new...I was overwhelmed by being the mother of her
when she grew bigger...I was tired from the work of her
when she grew older...I was filled with the love of her

It is love that lives in your bones
It is love that fills your skin
It is love that is the air you breath
It is love you wake with, dream with
It is love that is without thought...
It is love.

How time flies :-)

How quickly my little angel has transformed from a helpless tiny fragile bundle into an energetic, strong, active little girl, full of personality and laughter....
It seemed to happen in the blink of an eye...
Time has never before seemed such a powerful force. Previously in my life time has been marked by beginnings and endings, signposts moving past. Sometimes the life that passed between signposts seemed hazy, sometimes there were clear processes, challenges faced, obstacles overcome...but never before has time had such a preciousness and yet passed so wantonly!
Already my baby is teething
Already my baby is standing, sitting, dancing
Already my baby is communicating loudly, recognising things she wants and letting me know, understanding what she does not want and certainly letting me know about them!
Already I am going back to work in a mere 6 weeks
Already she starts day-care in a mere 4 weeks
Already she knows her name
Already she is growing up.

I will never experience these days again... and my breath stops in awe of their preciousness.

Monday, August 17, 2009

my stars this week...woot woo!

Are you going to be ready when that train comes by? Good. Because it is coming and all it will do is slow down long enough for you to catch it. You will need to get a running start and have all your gear in hand, all that is required for this trip. No more and no less. Mars, the planet of action is making a grand slam angle to Jupiter and Neptune in your sign Aquarius. This sort of energy when utilized wisely can make or break you. It is all systems go. Any sort of resistance will only cause chafing and delays in your Soul's intended journey. Just reach the platform and the universal train will pick up the slack.

This week is primed for your big break.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


So a girl looks out upon the world... the same world she has looked out upon on many a day... and sometimes she sees clearly her familiar world with its shadows and its dappled light, with its colours and its shade, with its flowers and its rocks... and sometimes she sees little of her world around her, she sees only through the screen of her eyes, seeing instead the world of swirling thoughts and technicolour ideas that live behind her eyes...
and then one day... a girl looks out upon the world, the same world she has looked out upon on many a day... and today she sees a perfect sunrise. Today she realises that her world is her familiar world, but it is not the same. Today she realises that although it is her world, it is made new by the dawn of a perfect sunrise... and a sky rich with colour and possibility.
A girl looks out upon a sunrise and she smiles...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What’s in store for me in the direction I don’t take?
Jack Kerouac

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Heellooo Jeans!

So I have a goal... I want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and then lose another 5 kg. And then stay there... Its not easy to focus on this goal between the competing demands at the moment - but its important to me. I want to feel good, and I definitely want to avoid getting diabetes again. I have started making progress and am now over half way to my pre-pregnancy weight - yay!
And today a little milestone was reached... I tried on my favourite blue jeans and they fit! Little by little my "old me" wardrobe is reappearing :-) And at the same time... little by little, the old me feels like she is coming back too - as I emerge blinking from the cloudy blur of pregnancy and new mummyhood. It feels good.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

go after her

So I find myself frequently quoting from le love blog... a collection of images and writing about love sent in by people who read the blog... and I love this one. You will have to click on it and open it as a file to read it...
I think about myself at the moment - in this stage of my life - and I wonder what happened to the girl who used to live life in this spirit. I guess I used to choose to dance... I guess somewhere along the way I got my heart broken a few times. I guess sometime along the way I decided to grow up and be sensible... I guess at some point I gave up on throwing caution to the wind and being wild, devil may care, impetuous... I guess at some point I forgot about dancing.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

trusting myself

So I was talking with a friend tonight... at some length... and a pertinent point shone out from our conversation. She was talking about the need to trust ourselves to look after ourselves, in any situation we may encounter....

And so I make this pact to myself :

In any given moment I will trust myself to ask myself "does this feel right for me, right now?", and I will trust myself to honour the answer, what ever it is.

Monday, August 10, 2009

learning to dance #2

To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking.

Agnes De Mille

Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another.

Author Unknown

What does it mean to dance with your heart?

Over the last few years I have had experiences which have been rewarding, up-lifting, affirming and empowering. I have discovered new strengths within myself, I have ventured far outside my comfort zones and I have discovered new worlds. I have succeeded and I have been proud of myself. I have grown up, grown stronger and grown wiser.

At the same time, over the last few years, I have had experiences which have challenged me, which have brought self doubt into my heart, which have made me feel like I am not good enough, not successful enough, not pretty enough, not clever enough, not capable enough, not fun enough, just not enough.

In leaving behind these times and looking forward I realise that its a very long time since I have danced in my heart. To dance in your heart is, I think, to feel beautiful, to feel proud of who you are, to feel full of celebration for the moment you are living, to feel loved, to feel richly alive and full of positive confidence for the next step. To dance in your heart is to know that your life is worth dancing about...

Tonight I heard a song which went something like this :

I hope you dance

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder

you get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger

may you never take one single breath for granted

god forbid love ever leave you empty handed

may you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean

when ever one door closes I hope one door opens

promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

and when you get the choice to sit it out or dance


I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance

never settle for the path of least resistance

life might mean taking chances but they're worth taking

loving might be a mistake but its worth making

don't let some helping heart leave you bitter

when you come close to selling out reconsider

give the heavens above more than just a passing glance

and when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance

I hope I dance again one day soon.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

learning to dance

Listening to ye ol Bette while cooking lamb roast... I heard these words and they struck a cord in my heart...

Its the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance

Its the dream afraid of waking

that never takes a chance

Its the one who won't be taken

who never learns to give
Its the soul afraid of dying

that never learns to live

I have stood on cliffs before... I have looked out at the sunrise of possibility over a deep dark unknown waters... I have taken a deep breath and jumped off the cliffs... I have also, at other times, turned my back on the majesty of it all and walked back to the safe and the known...

I have danced for strangers and I have been a wallflower. I have chosen to wake at dawn, and I have slept til afternoon. I have gambled and I have saved. I have taken and I have given.

Sometimes life is terribly simple and yet utterly complicated at the same time.

Friday, August 7, 2009