Wednesday, June 11, 2008


What are feelings?
Are they, as I learned in psychology 101, a product of our thinking... rationality spawning sensation as a bi-product of the firing of synapses... does this mean that they are some sort of biological brain pollution?
or are feelings a free wheeling entity... chemical or metaphysical... spinning their own paths separate to the journey of the intellect?
You would think that after a long career devoted to the exploration of feelings that I might have some sort of idea of this... but not so...
My head wants to claim assert that there are hidden thoughts, beliefs, hopes and fears that stimulate the production of the oozy tar of feelings... Yet my heart rebels in puffs of odd shaped clouds of feelings... nebulous, transient, and resembling recognisable forms only when the mind imposes them upon the misshapen canvas.

1 comment:

Zohar Berchik said...

Psych 101 is behind the times babe...

Feelings are addaptive action tendencies and if accessed correctly provide valuable information...