Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We relish news of our heroes, forgetting that we are extraordinary to someone too.
Helen Hayes

And today's quote echoes one of my little life principle frustrations - namely society's preoccupation with the innate antics of the semi-famous... I find the constant bombardment of media pre-occupation with the vacuous figure heads of fame both demoralising and frustrating. In the world there are so many inspirational people who are changing the future for us all with their dedication, courage and intelligence... yet we, as a culture, ignore the great achievers of our generations and choose instead to worship those who's only claim to grandeur may be the sculpting of new breasts, the wearing of designer frocks, or any range of methods of spending of immoral amounts of money on superficial vanity.  And the worst of it is that we idealise these empty vessels, and we consider them somehow better than us... and thus we both depreciate our own value and squash our own potential for greatness accordingly!   There is something very wrong with popular culture...

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