Saturday, April 26, 2008


So this week I had the fortune to have time on an airplane (which I love) and this gave me time to read...
So I read this book. I had read a review in the paper and was stuck by the author, Najaf Mazari's ability to express himself so powerfully evocatively in simple and honest language.

"I did not know that I could feel this much sorrow without a body to bury"
he says of wandering the dusty bare grounds of Woomera Detention Camp. Speaking without drama, without sensationalism, Najaf tells the story of his life and hardship in Afghanistan... of his family destroyed, of living life being hunted by the Taliban, of being smuggled to Australia and the utter despondency of the waiting in Woomera for news of hope or despair...

And reading it reminded me to remember my motivation... I have found myself focussing on my work in a removed way... focussing on building my skills, my career, my interest, my professional standing, my future directions etc my my.... across my career I have wavered between times of passion for meeting the needs of people in need, and being driven by the wish to prove myself and win respect and accolades...

So thank you Najaf... entirely separate to the intentions of your writing you have given me a nudge to remember why I am doing the work I am doing...

its not about me.... :-)

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