Monday, April 7, 2008

Its not about me...

So I have noticed a theme in many of my conversations with people recently... and its a theme that echos through my own sense of the world and myself in it.

Recently I had a rather interesting chat with a woman about the theory that almost all of our modern "ills" can be traced back to basic survival instinct gone haywire because we are unable to recognise that these needs have actually been met now ... thus we keep seeking to meet them in pathologically exaggerated ways... eg the need for safety, security, food etc

And in keeping with that I have a thought blossoming that one of the ways in which our instinctive need for safety manifests is in the common way that people scan the world for information about themselves. I notice how much we (myself and many people I know) spend so much mental energy searching the world and people around us for information about ourselves. I can only assume this is survival instinct gone rampant... scanning for danger and checking our own strengths and vulnerabilities has gone mad... lacking the ability to turn it off, we are like a microwave that starts cooking the fridge... we look constantly for more and more information about whether or not WE ARE OK....

And the result.... like a virus... the habits mutate and grow until navigating in the world becomes really hard work!

Is there a cure? I'm no expert... but in many of my conversations with people and myself... it seems to come back to this simple mantra...


If we can get it through to our inner selves that the entire world does not exist for the sole purpose of feeding back information to us about whether or not we are ok... then PHEW - what a relief!!


Unless it is about me...

But good to assume the negative until proven otherwise, rather than the other way around...

Not rocket science I know - but just one of these thoughts that its good to remind oneself about a few hundred times... a day...

Smiles to all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's right! It's not about you... You're so vain! you probably think I'm reading your blog! :D x
Bless you sweatie... is anything really about anyone?