Thursday, December 13, 2007

Where ever I go...there I am...

Over the last 5 weeks I have not spent more than 5 nights in one place... Its no wonder I have times of feeling dislocated, lacking a sense of belonging anywhere... but today I picked up a frangipani and put it in my hair, just like I did in Fiji... and I realised in that moment that the physical place is immaterial... I am still the same self...the same woman who wore frangipani's in her hair in the tropical heat... though the outside world keeps rapidly changing around me, all of my experiences, thoughts, strengths... the things that make me the person I am...they all come with me. Though my senses are full of difference, inside is an oasis of constancy. My past is not lost, all is stored and becomes a part of me... and I carry it forward on my journey. This was comforting to me.
(of course in a big picture sense the self is constantly changing and evolving, and in a Buddhist sense the self does not inherently exist... :-) but for this moment I am happy with a sense of the constancy of my inner world in comparison to my outer!)

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