Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Inspirational words No. 70988

So recently I found this quote on a card.... and for me it sums up my current life learning goal....
I hope it inspires you also.

Peace.... it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

and here are a few others that I like.... just for kicks :-)

Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
— Abraham Lincoln

Men are disturbed, not by things that happen, but by their opinion of things that happen.
— Epictetus

Look to this day for it is life.
In its brief course lie all the realities and truths of existence,
the joy of growth, the glory of action, the splendor of beauty…
Today, well lived,
makes every yesterday a memory of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.
— ancient Sanskrit proverb

In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.
Albert Schweitzer

Men spend their lives in anticipations,in determining to be vastly happy at some period when they have time. But the present time has one advantage over every otherit is our own. Past opportunities are gone, future have not come. We may lay in a stock of pleasures, as we would lay in a stock of wine; but if we defer the tasting of them too long, we shall find that both are soured by age.
Charles Caleb Colton

Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though 'twere his own.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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