Sunday, February 24, 2008


One of the best things about travelling in developing countries is the wonderful sense of appreciation that it gives me for just how incredibly fabulously fortunate we are... If you are sitting in your home or at your work reading this then you are undoubtably one of the luckiest people in the world... Looking around, walking around, moving through daily life surrounded by the people and animals here gives a rich, 3-dimensional sense of the basic conditions that I know I take so much for granted in my life. Life here is often so incredibly unfathomably more difficult than anything I will ever know. Last night I enjoyed a hot meal (plain rice by my choice not necessity), I slept in a warm bed, I travelled in a car rather than walking, I wore comfortable warm clean clothes and shoes, and I was surrounded in my life by people who care about me... and these things make me one of the most fantastically priviledged people in the world...

These experiences make me determined to remember to rejoice in all my infinate good fortune rather than focussing on perceived problems... its so important to remind myself that pretty much all of my daily "problems" are only the results of my wonderfully fortunate life... I only get stressed by work problems because I am lucky enough to have a job and an income... I only worry about relationships because I am so blessed to love and be loved... I only wrinkle my brow over my weight and appearance because I am so priviledged to have enough to eat and the luxury to indulge in vanity.... My happiness about the state of my life is totally a matter of perspective... and so I rejoice!!! LUCKY ME!!!

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