Monday, July 6, 2009

a photo a day...Monday 6th

So I was thinking that I might try and post a photo of Indigo every day for a month. I am so enjoying watching her change and develop and become more and more of a little person, her own little person... so a picture a day might give some sense of how fast she is changing and growing!
So to celebrate - here are three photos from today.
In a couple of days she will be three months old... very exciting! And a little daunting to realise how quickly time goes past... she will be all grown up before I know it!
I often wish I could go forward in time, just for while, and then come back. I would love to be able to go forward and see what she will be like as a toddler, as a child who talks and has a rich personality... and then come back to enjoy this baby time. Ah well... one step at a time! :-)

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