Saturday, July 25, 2009

Indigo Blessing (Sat 25th)

We were so fortunate to be able to introduce Indigo to wonderful Geshe Tashi Tsering. It was with Geshe-la wise help that we navigated the complications of the pregnancy... and it was joyful today to be able to have a special blessing from Geshe-la while he is in Australia.
Indi was quite the little ms popular with the Geshe's and monks and nuns, and her little face shone with joy as she was cooed and clucked over by an aray of maroon robed smiling faces :-) She then sat peacefully through 2.5 hours of teachings and meditations, joining in and singing happily along with the prayers...
And the news is good - no particular obstacles on the horizon for this much loved little one :-)

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