Saturday, July 11, 2009

bizarre phone connections...

This morning as I sipped my latte in a local cafe with a friend, gurgling smiling baby on my knee...(ah just as I always imagine it would be!) a quite bizarre text conversation interrupted my chatting... It went something like this...

(Beep) Text from an unknown number :
"Heard you have a bub. Congrats. When you are settled at home let me know and I will come visit. I am taking leave in a couple of weeks, maybe I can bring you lunch one day"

My response :
"Hi :-) Sorry but I don't have your number in my phone... That's a lovely thought, thank you...but who are you?


You dope

Wrong person I think

My response :
Well I am confused as hell! I did just have a baby... I am rhianon...Really can't place who you are though...who were you thinking I was?

(Beep) "Sorry that is completely bizarre. I am pretty sure I don't know you. But that is weird, I was trying to contact my friend Nat who has just had a baby"

My response :
No worries! Good luck with finding Nat and feel free to bring me lunch too! :-)

Now what are the odds of that!!

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