Monday, March 23, 2009

The final scan

So once, not so long ago, my life was filled with "firsts"... the first scan, the first heart beat, the first movements.... and soon again my life will be themed with firsts... the first feed, the first bath, the first smile, etc etc.... but for now I am in the in between bit - the "lasts".... my last day at work has come and gone... and today was my last scan... the last 4-d glimpse of my baby until I see her for real... not such a clear one. I won't worry about putting up the photos because she charmingly squished her dear little face into my uterus wall and proceeded to lick it, instead of obligingly posing for happy snaps. In the word of the sonographer "gross!" But the good news is that whilst remaining a wee little bubba (currently estimated at 2.2 kg, so possibly about 2.5-2.7 at birth) she is indeed growing happily along her own growth line, all her bits are functioning happily, and she is merrily playing along until the day - in 14 days time - when she is brought forth to take on the big world...
I still find it unfathomable that I am going to be a real life mum in 2 weeks. Its too big for me to get my brain around!
But - in the way of all great events in life, time flows inexorably forth and I will get my head around it when I have to - well, because I just have to!
So... last days will become first days.... and so the cycles of life will go on!


Anonymous said...

Oh it's all just so beautiful and I am so very happy for you - and for her! After all this time, after this long journey in hopes and in reality - she will be here. It is as if you have fashioned her yourself purely out of love and will. You both deserve every bit of love and happiness life can offer - I am sure both will continue to come your way! xx

Anonymous said...

Akunamatada darling!

Tony ;)