So its an odd limbo-like time...
In my intellect I know that I have done three pregnancy tests and they have all been negative (yes I did leave several days between them... am not completely out of control...).
But... I have spent the last few days nauseous, and two days throwing up.... Is is stress? Is it psychosomatic? Am I pregnant but not showing up on the tests? (not uncommon)
My cycle is now one day late....
My mind knows it is highly improbably that I am pregnant and that any moment now I should experience the signs of nature taking its course and know that I am on the pathway to trying again in two weeks....
My head knows this...
My heart is holding onto the little wee chance that maybe maybe....
Silly ol heart... :-)
being patient....
I know I will be fine either way. I am surrounded by buckets of love and support... I have the most fantastic donor conceivable (he has even been nauseous in sympathy)... and while I have moments of just wanting it all to be clear now... I am loving the journey... its like waiting for Christmas :-)
1 comment:
Hope you continue to enjoy the ride one step at a time... I can't wait for you to get the 2nd line on that pregnancy test (fyi -I needed a Dr. to confirm both my pregnancies as my tests only showed the weakest 2nd line - sore boobs and tiredness were my early giveaway signs). Am eagerly awaiting news as we are looking for new homes for clothes from summer boy and girl babies (no pressure of course but the clothes won't fit if too many months slip by). After a seemingly endless time of bringing things into our home we are now ready to start offloading.
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