Tuesday, May 21, 2013

This week's challenge...

So I am attempting to get my fitness groove back on...
Last week was a shocker on the health front...stress induced yes, but stress didn't shove all those chocolates into my mouth and wash them down with red wine... That was all me baby...
So ....this week the bar has been lifted.
My challenge this week :
1. No alcohol
2. 1200 cals a day
3. 30 min cardio work out every day
4. 300 push ups over the week.
Oh and no chocolate I think goes without saying... No? Ok then NO CHOCOLATE...take note self, you are being blitzed.  Luckily I have now eaten all of the chocolate and drunk the open wine.
So it's the end of day 2 of the week... And Tuesday evening sees me chocolate free, 1.5litres of water consumed today, alcohol free, and having done two work outs and 100 push-ups.
Not too bad if I do say so myself!
Yay....feeling groovy....
Now to keep up the good work given that I have also chosen this week to come down hard on the little person sleeping coming into my bed at night....so sleep deprivation has already commensed.
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Indigo Kate said...

Wow, simultaneous sleep deprivation and chocolate deprivation, that's hard core stuff Wanderlust. All the very best with your goals for the weeks ahead.