Monday, May 27, 2013

Burn out

So I am burnt out...
Burn out is a bitch.
It sucks the life right out of you
It sucks the will to achieve out through your eyes leaving bloody trails of good intentions
It makes everything and anything more interesting that what you are supposed to be doing... cereal boxes suddenly detail fascinating essential facts for life, but you can't remember what you were supposed to be doing anyway so it doesn't seem to matter.
Cleaning becomes really interesting and subsumes all other priorities
Facebook becomes your best friend, judging by time and energy commitment made
Burn out fogs the brain, makes it hard to remember just what was so important that you decided to work at home to make up for time that slid into the mirky swamp during the daylight hours.
Priorities pop into mind at random moments, inspiring more guilt than motivation, only to dart away as soon as the computer screen refreshes.
Tiny routine tasks take superhuman effort
You can't imagine how on earth you used to get stuff done.
Burn out - you suck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For those of us that burnt out has visited sometime in our life, we know there is peace once it leaves.

Ready your post made me go in search of something that I read to share with you, so here it is...

"we have 3 options..
1. Remove yourself from the situation
2. Change it
3. Or accept it totally
If you want to take responsibility for your life you must choose one of those three options, and you must choose now. Then accept the consequences. No excuses. No negativity. No psychic pollution. Keep your space clear."

Meditate and clear your space. Find that peace that you know inside that you have. Get away from the PC and connect with you.