Monday, December 6, 2010

Bitten baby bits!

When you grow a little person in your tummy your dna gets reprogrammed... Suddenly your over-riding and under-pinning purpose in life is to see that little bitsy smile, and to protect them from all and any exposure to pain. Its an unconscious conditioned response like pmt chocolate cravings or not wearing stripes and plaid together. There is nothing quite like the gut dropping nausea of seeing your little precious bundle hurt... And tonight I managed to wound my angel in none other than her "special place"!! Owie! You can imagine the belly flops that were my reaction to unwrapping her towel, while wondering why she was complaining so much about being carried out of the bathroom, and finding this vicious hair torture implement attached to her delicates! Oooh my eyes water just thinking about it! Thank you evolution for the resilient short memories of babies...

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