Monday, May 17, 2010

gratuitous cuteness #1987404

it makes the puke-fest sort of bearable...
my child is pretty smart... but not a genius... I am terribly adoring of her, but I am realistic enough to know that she is developing normally...good at some things, a bit challenged by others... she's not special but she is special to me... but there is one thing that I claim as an exulted talent.  She may not be saying full sentences, she may not be walking yet...but she pukes like a trooper... this child has the capacity to fill buckets - if she happened to have one conveniently positioned when she does her sudden exorcist impressions (which has never happened).  She is a fountain... an unusual garden feature though it may be, she could give the stone frog with a hose up his bum a definite run for his money.  The kid can chuck.  We all have our talents...I am hoping this one stays hidden soon!

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