Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fragments of thoughts on love...

So I was going through some old email drafts today... clearing out my boxes....and I found one that I had written late at night to a past love. And this paragraph seemed too good to waste.... It stands true today as I consider my path ahead. I know what I am looking for.

"I know exactly what I want. I want to feel loved, unconditionally, unequivocally, from the tip of my nose to the tip of my toes... to the moon and back. And I want to love someone with all my heart, for all of their strengths and their vulnerabilities, without doubt, without fear, without complication and "what ifs" and "maybe". And I would compromise pretty much anything else to feel that and to have that in my life. So if you can love me - wholly and completely, irrationally, forsaking all else for love, for all my imperfections that make me perfect, with all that you have in your heart.... If you can find it in you to be that person who just loves me... well, then I will love you madly and totally, loyally and deeply, joyfully standing by your side in life despite all and through all.

At the end of the day its really quite simple actually."

1 comment:

Globalgirl said...

Sometimes, quite often really, you completely nail it. Beautiful.