Saturday, September 13, 2008

No more tail!

So my embryonic olive is now called a "fetus"... which means "little one." Aw....
He/she is now all of 1.6 cms. Our wee embryonic tail is gone, and all organs, muscles, and nerves are beginning to function. How terribly cool is that!
The hands now bend at the wrist, and the feet are beginning to lose their webbed appearance, and the legs are getting longer...phew!fetal development at 8 weeks
Eyelids are beginning to cover wee olive's baby-blue's.

and Sheesh - its lookin' like a boy... according to ye old wives tales...
- little or no morning sickness
- my hair looks great! (people keep commenting and asking if I have dyed it...)
- I'm not moody - feeling terribly sane actually...
- I'm craving salty foods rather than sweet...
all signs of a boy...
Ah well....

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