Thursday, August 30, 2012

the joys of public speaking

So tomorrow I have to stand in front of a crowd of media, big wig donors and stakeholders, colleagues and my staff and give a stupid speech.  The speech isn't stupid but I am feeling somewhat petulant about it so be tolerant of me.  Its quite a good speech, if I do say so myself...I was quite happy with how it came out.  Now if only I could get someone else to read it I would be thrilled.
I am not a limelight girl.  At parties I hover in the kitchen.  At events I stand back and applaud others.  Somehow I agreed to be a CEO but I work closely with my team of managers - its never just about me.  I hate the attention being on me.  Yes I am an aquarian, a natural entertainer - but only if its not about me.  I love other people's birthdays, but don't really love my own.  You won't be surprised therefore to learn that I hate giving speeches.
So I am talking to myself and trying to remind myself that really, in the grand scheme of life, this is really not a big event.  Its just a day, just two hours.  There are people who are starving, people who are fighting wars, people who are losing their homes, and people who are dying.  This really doesn't rate on the scale of importance.  Perspective woman!
If I allow it to it could become an elephant in my head, filling all the spaces and trumpeting in my ear.  But really - life is full of MUCH more important things than my little speech.  It will be over before I know it, all I have to do is act confident and put on a show, and all will be fine.
Sod off elephant.

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