So for most of my life I have avoided politics... I will admit - I have kind of taken it for granted that the basic moralities would be covered, and the rest, well - I am still in grief over when Howard was re-elected the first time and I think that day something in me broke and has never repaired. It was the day I gave up on democracy. I simply cannot fathom how the stupid greedy self-serving uneducated masses get to decide my future. So I have avoided it, I vote...but I try to stay out of really engaging in it. The Kevin11 election reawakened my optimism for a while, and then it was dashed on the rocks when that woman-who-is-an-insult-to-unmarried-women muscled her way in.
And now I have reached an all time low. I cannot understand how the greedy bastards can say "oh labour is making a mess of everything" and "oh we have some debt so its all labour's fault" and "me making money is the only priority" and overlook the reality that we are a remarkably strong financial position internationally, our dollar is stronger than ever, and we have somehow managed this while still supporting women and vulnerable people in our communities. So Queensland is the precurser of what is no doubt going to happen nationally - asshole bastards are dismantling all the basic services that support our most needy and vulnerable groups, they are slashing women's services, they are slashing jobs and attacking the people who have no money to fight back. They fund horse tracks and goat racing while defunding breast cancer and HIV services.
I am ashamed. I am so horrified each day as I read about more and more unthinkable realities coming to be. I am utterly and completely powerless but if nothing else, I have started to care again. At first I wanted to run away, live somewhere else, not be confronted by the evilness... now I am starting to want to fight, to rally, to protest... to at least be one small drop in the resistance.
You assholes... you are not the bloody boss of me! so there!
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