Saturday, January 9, 2010

just do it

So I have noticed that the difference between a productive day and an unproductive day lies not in the amount of time available, but in the attitude with which the day is navigated.  Surprise!!  I know, I know.... its not a revelation, not rocket science, not even novel.... but its been an important revelation for me.  I complain constantly of not having enough time to do the things I want to do...and so I took a moment to investigate the people I know who do achieve great amounts in their days... and what I notice is a "just do it" attitude.  In my less productive days I have a process in my mind which says "there isn't enough time to do that - leave it for later"... or "no that's not the most important thing today".... or even "that's not what I am in the mood for today"...and so things sit undone.... The alternative is a mind-set which doesn't discriminate, ponder, decide - it just does... the mind notices something that needs doing, and the body responds by doing it.  And lo and behold - often there IS enough time to do it!  and it does fit around the important things...and it doesn't adversely affect my mood...For example, on a day when I am home alone with Indigo, I know that the most important thing is spending time with on an unproductive mind-set day that is all I do - play with her, sit with her, feed her etc.  But on a productive day, like today, I keep doing things at the same time as talking with her, showing her new toys, singing to her etc.... and lo.... I get 14 things crossed off my list AND Indi still has a lovely day with her mum.... today I sorted out and cleaned the shelves in Indi's room, cleaned and re-organised her change table area, packed away all her too small stuff, packed away some of the toys she is growing out of, set up some new pink drawers for her and started putting things in them, did a load of her washing and my washing, sorted the shelves in my lounge room, tidied away all the lounge/dining room clutter, did some on-line banking and updated my budget spreadsheets, updated my exersize spreadsheets, made several different kinds of food for indi for today and tomorrow, cleaned out and reorganised my pantry cupboard, enrolled in uni, read some inspirational blogs, kept up to date with facebook, watered the gardens front and back, stored my suitcases away.... and had time to relax with some TV time, and did lots of playing and feeding and bathing with my angel baby....Oh and wrote in my blog.  This is the difference attitude makes...

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