So today I was chatting with a dear friend... and I was struck once again by the gaping chasm that so often exists between intellect and action...between intent and actuality... between what one knows one should do and what one actually does... its so easy to assume that people who do stuff they really probably shouldn't do are doing it because they don't know better...are too stupid, are ignorant etc but today I found myself emmersed in the sinking sense of familiarity that is attached to the sensation of KNOWING the best course of action... and yet - somehow.... finding oneself doing quite another...
I know there are some terribly annoying people who always do the sensible thing and follow their brains directions.... (Did I say annoying? Oh I meant "inspirational" of course...)
but WHERE do the rest of us learn to so habitually stick our little fingers in our ears and sing "la la la... la la la.... I can't possibly hear my brain through all this noise... la la la..."
A very minor example popped its annoying little head up in my morning... I knew I should concentrate on getting ready and being at my morning meeting at work on time.... and as I sat chatting with my housemate...I knew the sensible thing would be to get up and get moving... yet.... well.... I am sure you can guess what I actually did....
but thats not the end of the world really - just meant my morning was a little more flustered than it might have been...
but its a pattern that, when applied to matters of far greater significance - like matters of the H- E- A- R- T... well, then its just brimming with fuss and fluster and generally a great deal of icky -bluck when things we very well knew we should not be doing somehow manage to oh-so-shockingly go horribly wrong...
why oh why is it so easy to disregard our oh-so logical intelligent and sensible brains???
why oh why is the modern dilemma not so much access to wisdom but the guts to actually USE it... ??
we know we will all die if we don't start being sensible about the environment
we know that poverty is unnecessary and that we could all give a little more and indulge ourselves a little less
we know if we eat that crap and sit on our butts our bodies will become weak and flabby
and we sure as anything know that some "relationships" are just bad bad news....
oi vey I say....
PS - just in case anyone wonders...this is very honestly not about me right now... am very happy in brain and heart with my twinkly blue eyed adventure... :-)
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