Saturday, October 6, 2012

21 Inner Beauty Inspirations #20

20.  Take the first little step.
So I have been feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that I am having to face in the next three weeks. And I have been avoiding it... I fill my time with the hundred little issues that come through in emails...and I avoid the big bastards.  And the anxiety is building...
Last night I took a small step towards achieving... and it felt good.  And now, I am going to take another small step... and soon - I know - I will feel less paralysed and more engaged... and then, I will be in the swing.  Taking one small step can make a big difference.
This goes for everything in life - growing as a person, relationships, health, parenting, life goals... its all about taking the first step... and moving forward... trusting that these little steps will, indeed, sometimes make a big difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that you should read back over some of your past blogs, even those for the last couple of months. You have been taking small, big and even huge steps to get to where you are today. This post it appears you have forgotten that due to the large ones ahead.

You have done it before and you will get these ones done also and I am sure that you will excel at them. The inner beauty has always been there, you just need to read back on your blog and truly see that :-)