So I openly admit it... I am a hoarder. I over-consume, and I hate to get rid of things... I find it excruciating. I live in fear of needing something that I don't have on hand. If something has no conceivable usefulness then I can easily dump it, but if I can think of a way that it might be able to be used in the future its really hard to walk away. I don't have one of things, I have three...just in case I lose or use one and break the other... or in case I meet someone who doesn't have one, and then I can help clutter their lives too. I let things go off in the fridge, yummy expensive things, because I can't let myself eat them - because then I won't have them anymore and I may never be able to get more... so in fear I hoard the last one and hope it stays that forever....this tendency is exacerbated here in Fiji because its literally true that the shops get in a product once, and then never have it I have to buy months worth, and then I can't let myself use them...
But I have to change this... I have to learn to not fear going without...I have to let go of the need to "have" and focus on the need to "be".
This is an example I want to set for my child, and the way that I know I will be happier...

Good luck. You are doing well and you are setting a good example to your daughter by the sounds of it.
In the last few posts you have shifted your focus to your daughter. What is is that you want for you if you take out being an example for her?
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