So I am at work...perched backwards on my office chair, attempting to reach the keyboard from around the back of the seat...with my feet on a cardboard box. Not sure I can get out of this position any time soon... Recently I scared the finance woman when she found me prone under a table in a meeting room attempting to stretch but doing a rather good impersonation of a fainted whale.
How things change... these days sitting sucks. Driving hurts and is rationed into short trips as necessary... sitting at a computer is also on an elimination program... Lousy timing just as I am trying to get huge amounts of work done on policy writing. I would stand at my desk but that hurts too. I wonder if I can work out a way to project my computer onto the roof above my bed? But then lying on my back hurts too... I wonder if I can get a computer embedded into my body pillow??
Who me? Whinge? Nah....
I've been practicing witty come-backs for all the people who drop their jaws in genuine horror at the size of me coupled with the news that I have 4 months to go. I have tried "oh, so you think I am getting big? Glad you mentioned it - I have been meaning to ask you if you had put on weight recently?" Only works on certain people... and I don't really feel right about using a put-down since people's shock towards me tends to be genuinely cloaked in sincere concern for my well-being. If only I had a dollar for all the times people have asked me if I am having twins - I would be able to afford a really funky double pram - one side for the baby and the other for my wounded body image :-)
1 comment:
Well you could try telling them you are having six-tuplets and the doctors are concerned you are not big enough...
I was on the smaller side with both my pregnancies ... and anxiously streesed the first time around everytime people commented about my small-sized belly (I couldn't help but worry about something being wrong - is the baby healthy... is the pregnancy going ok???) By the second pregnancy I was comfortable in my self about my size and made a quick comment about "this is just how my body carries a baby" and changed the topic. It was so much less stressful! Hope you can find a way to be at peace with people's comments and with your own pregnancy size. Take care of yourself with all your aches, pains and tiredness -J
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