Friday, November 2, 2007

The end of an era...

So its all over... including the singing :-)
With many tears and much gratuitous praise of Rhianon the Super-fabulous... I have been farewelled to within an inch of my life :-) (As well as being plied with wonderful gifts - joy!)
My farewell lunch - the official one as opposed to all of the other last morning teas and last tutorials and last days etc - was a humbling and incredible experience as 28 wonderful people stood up one by one and each told me exactly what they think of me and what I have done for them. To see grown men and women sobbing, tears rolling down and dripping off their chins onto the table, all for the sake of saying good-bye to lil ol' me was an awe inspiring experience that I will never forget.
After all of the emotion we all needed a stiff drink... and much merriment was had indeed. For the first time in 20 months I actually got to put aside my "teacher" boundaries and just hang with the gang - and it was a hoot! These kids know how to party! NOW I find out :-)
Ah well... back to the land of family and friends.... good bye life changing job, good bye fabulously friendly and now so familar faces, good bye resort life ...

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