Saturday, April 27, 2013

The help

Just watched the movie "the help"...  I would imagine you have seen it.. I know I am behind the times after four years of little people and foreign lands... I expected a gentle little story...  And maybe I'm just in a sensitive mood today but i found it profoundly sad.  It was gentle in that it didnt hit you in the face with brutality, but it was, i thought, all the more powerful for it. The quiet domesticity of hatred and disempowerment was nauseating. Oh why is it so easy for people to hate so irrationally?  Sometimes I can block out the world and feel relaxed and happy inside... As long as I stay blind and numb. But then something breaks through and reminds me that while people are indeed capable of love and kindness and infinitely inspirational levels of selflessness...too often they squander their lives and miraculous opportunities on hatred and nastiness... 
At least it makes those who don't seem like shining lights in the storm. 
Oh for a world where people were fundamentally good and evil was the aberration... 

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