Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Where does she learn it??

Now I know that I cannot be with my child 24 hours a day... I cannot know everything she experiences... and I will never know or see every part of her rapidly expanding multifaceted personality.   I get that this is a huge growth stage, as she prepares to turn two in less than two weeks... (oh my heavens) but still, logic aside, I am constantly, pleasantly, amusingly surprised by her moments of spontaneous individuality!  Its quite an adjustment to get used to the idea that I am no longer the fountain of all her learning... the three days a week she spends in day care are obviously having quite an impact!
Tonight she was watching her evening wind down TV shows... ABC kids... and it was night-time in which ever saccharin sweet story was playing... she suddenly and very loudly announced "Its dark but I'm not scared!  I'm not scared! I'm not scared!..." (repeat). Where did that come from??

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