Monday, April 12, 2010


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy First Birthday Morning!

The morning started as normal... a bottle in bed with mummy....but mummy seems strangely happy and keeps singing at me!

OOOH  whats this then???

Wow.... new books!!! I love books....
 And this one has a really cool character in it!!!...

Oh lots and lots of little doors to open and close...with things inside!!  wee hee!

But this new activity table is the BEST!!
I think I really like birthdays!!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

More more!... more?

So the urge to procreate is upon me again...
Its very odd.  For my entire life I have been clear and adamant that I only want to have one child.  Its logical, its reasonable, its practical.  I don't cope well with big commitments at the best of times, and one child is already a huge responsibility - why would I want to double that?  I am determined that I will continue to travel, do aid work overseas, live my cafe lifestyle, socialise, work a little harder than I want to, study, advance my career to a point where I feel useful, take on too many projects and get most of them done... and live the way I want to live - the way that makes me feel like I am living a meaningful life.  One child means some compromises, but they are well worth it for the immeasurable experience of being a mummy, and over all I anticipate that I will still be able to manage to do pretty much everything I want to do... I have always said that as long as I can put a back pack on, hold the child with one hand and my passport with the other then I am ok.  One child is not too much of a financial issue, thankfully she doesn't eat all that much yet... and if the going got tight I have trained her on hummus and pickles sufficiently for her to be able to just eat what I eat.  Being such a teeny bubba she is also still, at one week away from one year old, wearing her 0-3 month old clothes!
But two kids?  Well that means having a job, a decent job, and budgeting for two lots of day care, two lots of school fees... and all those other serious grown up things...
Two kids means that for even more of my life, now and in the future, I am first and foremost a mum... One child means that I can balance being a mum with being a career woman, a student, a friend, a lover, a traveller, a dreamer... Two kids means that the rest takes a back seat for much more of the time...
Oh and I might have a boy the second time around!
So it just doesn't make sense... logically... rationally...
and yet...
I fear... I fear losing her.  I fear that if I lost her I would be losing both my child and my place in the world as a mum.  This would be unthinkably horrific.  I fear growing old alone, childless, grand-childless... I fear the amount of hope that rests just on her small shoulders... I fear that she will move away, pull away, move countries, become a scientologist, marry a red neck... I fear that there are so many ways to lose her!
Fear drives me to have a second chance... to double my odds of growing old with a feeling of loving connectedness to the next generation of my family.
I fear what will happen for her if anything happens to me - an only child of an only child of an only child....she would be terribly alone in the world.
Fear drives me to have a back up... Fear and an irrational biological urge - my baby is growing up, its time for a new littler one!
But no... I am staying strong... I am holding on the the instinct of the vision that I have always had of my daughter and I, holding hands and skipping through the world together.
I am holding on to my resolve to have one child....