Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy Half Birthday!!

So my gorgeous wonderful special little angel girl is 
6 months old today.  

For 6 months she has charmed, smiled, giggled, puked, danced, pooed, wriggled, yelled, raspberried, coo'ed, played and delighted.  For 6 months my angel has filled my heart and my days with love.  For 6 months my angel has lived.  For 6 months I have woken each morning filled with gratitude and wonder.  For 6 months I have known new parts of myself, parts that can love endlessly, work tirelessly, sleep little but smile much.  For 6 months I have enjoyed the love and support of my wonderful family and fantastic friends as they have shared my angel's journey.  For 6 months we have had the pleasure, the honour, the joy of knowing my little angel girl.

Everyday in every way everything is different to anything I have ever known before, and yet I know without a doubt that I am exactly where I should be, doing exactly what I want most to do, and loving it.

Happy Half Birthday my angel.

Thank you for choosing to come to me, thank you for trusting me, thank you for sharing your life with me.

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