Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So I recently submitted an assignment... I was busy and distracted by life... I struggled to consider study a priority compared to spending time with my gorgeous child, keeping on top of the daily chores, catching up with lovely friends, enjoying the bursting of spring in the garden, and generally sucking the juices of life.  To sit down at a computer and write about first world political manipulation of the third world through aid just seemed, well, a bit removed from the delicious realities of my daily world... so I moaned and I pouted and I finally slapped something together that I knew was a huge compromise on what I was capable of doing.  I winced as I read over it at 4:50pm on the day it was due.  I crossed my fingers that it would pass, and hit send.  Friends tried to reassure me that it was probably better than I thought it was...but I insisted that "no"...this time I really had done a bodgy job.  I consoled myself with the rationale that really, at the moment, a pass was all I really wanted.
Today I got my result. 
A Distinction.
Sure - its broken my straight High Distinction record... but seriously... a distinction?  what is the standard of university study coming to???
Not that I am not pleased... but I would be prouder if I thought that I had earned it!

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