Monday, October 5, 2009

forest flower

A girl went strolling down her path, through the trees and dappled sunshine... 
Singing songs as she strolled, she smiled happily as the friends in her forest sang harmony.  
Hand in hand with her little angel child, the girl admired the path travelled and the way ahead... smooth pebbles, soft rich fertile soils... 
Singing songs as she strolled, the girl smiled happily as she carried in her heart her loved ones, feeling at them close and feeling held.  
Singing songs as she strolled the girl noticed a tiny flash of colour by the path-side and, interested, she paused to behold... 
Curiously she peaked, softly she brushed the brambles aside, gently she touched the colours... a rare and beautiful flower.  
Beneath the brambles a flower bloomed softly, sweetly, scenting the air, nodding to the girl.  
And the girl smiled, gathered the flower to her... and together they started to sing.

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