So I am attempting to organise a bit of a mothers group for lesbians... Having discovered that Brisbane does not boast a lesbian mothers forum, nor a single mothers group... that I can find... I, being a good aquarian, decided to try and do something about it.
I did, of course, watch the series of ever opening and closing lesbian venues in sydney.... I have ventured to lesbian venues in brisbane and listened to the oft-moan that lesbians never do anything, go out, support new things... but hey - I decided to give it a go anyway :-)
Hmmmm - the only thing harder than getting a group of lesbians to turn up in the same place at the same time? Trying to get a showing from a group of lesbians with children!
Many thanks to the wonderful women who did come, and to the one who was not already my friend, but is now :-)
Sometimes I travel through the world, sometimes I journey within. Some travel has a destination, a goal, and some is simply about the joy of discovery. This blog keeps me company as I indulge my passion for exploration, my wanderlust.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
booby trapped
So how do you explain breast feeding to a 3 year old?? Especially one who was not breast fed...
Little Princess understood perfectly that when the baby cried she was hungry. Being a sweet generous soul, LP kindly offered to share her pasta... No Pasta? Hmmm only milk... OK but will she get ice cream if she eats all her milk? Sympathetic eyes opened wide at the idea that the baby is too little for dessert... and then it comes...
"Ok, so where is the baby's bottle?"
AH... and I am stumped.... Help! I cry to LP's mum, but she handballs it straight back to me... "Ah, right, well... you see the baby doesn't have a bottle, she drinks milk from me" I say, gesturing vaguely in the direction of my chest.
"Why does the baby drink milk out of your tummy? Is the baby's bottle in your tummy?" queries LP...logically enough...
"Hmmm well... um... babies drink milk from their mummy's boobies" I splutter, throwing caution to the wind and prompting a great deal of consternation, and the need for very close inspection of this strange phenomenon....
The next time I see Little Princess I am confronted... "Rhianon", she announces firmly, "I went and looked at the babies at my school (day care) and THEY don't drink milk from boobies...they have bottles!"
"Ah Yes" (thinking fast)...I suppose this is because their mummies are not there with them. They might drink from their mummies boobies when they go home from school"...
Phew, I wipe my brow as this answer satisfies for the moment.
A hidden booby-trap - I wasn't prepared for this one!
Little Princess understood perfectly that when the baby cried she was hungry. Being a sweet generous soul, LP kindly offered to share her pasta... No Pasta? Hmmm only milk... OK but will she get ice cream if she eats all her milk? Sympathetic eyes opened wide at the idea that the baby is too little for dessert... and then it comes...
"Ok, so where is the baby's bottle?"
AH... and I am stumped.... Help! I cry to LP's mum, but she handballs it straight back to me... "Ah, right, well... you see the baby doesn't have a bottle, she drinks milk from me" I say, gesturing vaguely in the direction of my chest.
"Why does the baby drink milk out of your tummy? Is the baby's bottle in your tummy?" queries LP...logically enough...
"Hmmm well... um... babies drink milk from their mummy's boobies" I splutter, throwing caution to the wind and prompting a great deal of consternation, and the need for very close inspection of this strange phenomenon....
The next time I see Little Princess I am confronted... "Rhianon", she announces firmly, "I went and looked at the babies at my school (day care) and THEY don't drink milk from boobies...they have bottles!"
"Ah Yes" (thinking fast)...I suppose this is because their mummies are not there with them. They might drink from their mummies boobies when they go home from school"...
Phew, I wipe my brow as this answer satisfies for the moment.
A hidden booby-trap - I wasn't prepared for this one!
Friday, May 22, 2009
I've never really been one to believe much in fate or destiny, not in a pop culture sense of the concepts... Nor do I believe that our lives are predetermined, or that our experiences are somehow mystical messages... I am not one that you will find saying such lines as "It happened to me for a reason".
I do believe in karma... but I believe that karma dictates the way we develop as people, the issues we face... things are not "given to us" to teach us lessons - rather we encounter situations and we decide how we will cope and what we will learn from them. In a sense I suppose I see life as a self determining process, and karma as being about the individual and their process of developing personal wisdom..rather than as a "greater than us" external process of an outside being/presence/force who imposes our life experiences upon us.
At the same time as this... I recognise that there are experiences in my life that are more subtle, more complex than I can always understand. There are people in my life with whom I feel a powerful connection that is not doesn't consciously make sense to me, yet I feel it powerfully. If I were someone who said "it happened for a reason" then I might say that I have a lesson to learn, or there is a special meaning for their place in my life that I am not yet aware of. But that is not me... so instead I will say that there is something about the other that touches something deeper in me...something I don't understand consciously but which drives my conscious ways of relating to them. There is something that I cannot fully understand which gives these relationships extra meaning.
Perhaps one day it will make sense... perhaps I will never understand. But I do know that I cannot fight it with logic, I can only go with my instincts and trust that it all happens for a reason :-)
I do believe in karma... but I believe that karma dictates the way we develop as people, the issues we face... things are not "given to us" to teach us lessons - rather we encounter situations and we decide how we will cope and what we will learn from them. In a sense I suppose I see life as a self determining process, and karma as being about the individual and their process of developing personal wisdom..rather than as a "greater than us" external process of an outside being/presence/force who imposes our life experiences upon us.
At the same time as this... I recognise that there are experiences in my life that are more subtle, more complex than I can always understand. There are people in my life with whom I feel a powerful connection that is not doesn't consciously make sense to me, yet I feel it powerfully. If I were someone who said "it happened for a reason" then I might say that I have a lesson to learn, or there is a special meaning for their place in my life that I am not yet aware of. But that is not me... so instead I will say that there is something about the other that touches something deeper in me...something I don't understand consciously but which drives my conscious ways of relating to them. There is something that I cannot fully understand which gives these relationships extra meaning.
Perhaps one day it will make sense... perhaps I will never understand. But I do know that I cannot fight it with logic, I can only go with my instincts and trust that it all happens for a reason :-)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My little girl has grown!
I know it happens to us all (except at this time of life we only grow rounder, sadly)...but its such a pleasure, and a bittersweet ache, to see my tiny angel enlarge herself and take up more space in the world.
She has grown out of her little 00000 (5xO) suits and is into 4xO :-)
Her weight has gone from 2.695kg at birth (and dropped to 2.4kg over the next few days) up to 3.470kg :-)
She is chubbing up!
Welcome to life, little one!
thoughts on being a mother #5
I have many thoughts, through the passing moments of the day, about being a mother...
Some are about the practicalities and logistics
Some are about the things I give up and what I potentially gain in return
Some are about how I, in accepting my parents support and kindness, become like a child again in the process of having my own child
Some are about the future...what lies ahead...
Some are about the past....what I leave behind and how I got here...
And then there are moments that are just about being completely, peacefully, gently, in the moment... moments that are quietly, wordlessly, just about a feeling.
And these moments are simply beautiful.
Some are about the practicalities and logistics
Some are about the things I give up and what I potentially gain in return
Some are about how I, in accepting my parents support and kindness, become like a child again in the process of having my own child
Some are about the future...what lies ahead...
Some are about the past....what I leave behind and how I got here...
And then there are moments that are just about being completely, peacefully, gently, in the moment... moments that are quietly, wordlessly, just about a feeling.
And these moments are simply beautiful.
Monday, May 11, 2009
today i am grateful
Today I am grateful...
Yesterday was mothers day...
Yesterday I spend a lovely relaxed day with my mum and my dad and my daughter...
Yesterday I celebrated my first mothers day as a mother of a beautiful little girl...
Yesterday we ate yummy food in the sunshine and enjoyed being a family, together, happy.
Today I found out that yesterday a friend who is a mother lost her daughter.
Today I found out that yesterday a friend who was a daughter was killed.
Yesterday a friend was riding her bike home to her new husband...
Yesterday a long distance truck driver was not spending mothers day with his family, was sleepy and hit my friend so hard her body was thrown off the road and onto the railway tracks below.
Today I found out.
Yesterday my friend who was a daughter of a friend was killed on mothers day...
Yesterday my friend became someone who's daughter was killed on mothers day.
Today I feel so grateful, grateful for this moment of life, grateful for the people I love who are alive, grateful for another day, another year, another mothers day.
Monday, May 4, 2009
love story
and this is just gorgeous....
Signs (video)
Ain't love grand!
Signs (video)
Ain't love grand!
dream cycle
This morning as I slept I heard Indi waking, grunting, winging... And because I didn't want to wake up I kept dreaming that I was getting up to get her... and then I would drift back into sleep...and she would grunt again and I would half wake, shocked, thinking I had already gotten up and picked her up. Surprised to find myself in bed I would panic for a moment, searching for her under the bed clothes, worried I had suffocated her under the doona... and then I would realise that I didn't have her, that she was still in her bed, that I had only dreamed getting up and picking her up... and then I would drift back to sleep...and she would grunt again and I would dream I was getting up to her... and so on! I must have gone through this cycle at least four times before I finally actually woke up and picked her up.
I guess I was very tired!
I guess I was very tired!
he he
Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in another persons shoes..Not only will you have their shoes, you will be a mile away from them.
not my sentiments but I saw this on a friends facebook and thought it was hilarious... of course it is 5am... so I could be delirious :-)
not my sentiments but I saw this on a friends facebook and thought it was hilarious... of course it is 5am... so I could be delirious :-)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
thoughts on being a mother #4
So recently I was chatting with a good friend and she told me that I needed to "get a life"...
I assume she was joking...I bloody hope so! I repeatedly remind myself that it is only 3 weeks since I gave birth...(breath...chant - only three weeks...breath...) But she was referring to the need for me to find a way to converse for more than 10 minutes without talking about my boobs, breast feeding, or baby puke. And it struck a cord.
This is my fear... like the majority of new mothers I suppose... that my life will narrow to the degree that I won't have anything to talk about other than my child's latest adventure with body fluids.
I guess that some people are happy being obsessed with motherhood and their babies... I guess that if I was completely loving being a mother, if I was high on the bliss of it all, I might not mind being single mindedly focussed on one thing ... I wouldn't mind having not much else in life to talk about or think about. I'm torn because on the one hand I know that I want to focus just on her, that this is what she needs, and I feel terribly guilty when I am distracted from her needs and she suffers in any way. I'm torn because I wanted to be a mother who was able to make my child the centre of my life. My mother did that for me... I am trying...but I wish my heart was singing more about it.
I love her dearly - there is no doubt about that. At times her little face fills me with tenderness... and moments like sitting in bed with her sleeping on my lap in the morning sun feel like paper thin preciousness - so fragile, so quick to pass by, and so translucently joyful...
But at the same time... I am struggling to adjust to the demands and the hard work side of it all... Its not so much the physical demands, although its tiring I can manage that...its the emotional and mental demand to be constantly available, to care for her consistently, to think of her be present and there for her whenever she needs me. I know, you don't get the good without the bad as well...but I have moments that I regret.
Some nights I lie in bed and hear her wake and subconsciously I refuse to fully wake up... I sometimes let her go until she is really insistent and starts to get distressed, and then I can finally force myself to properly wake and get up to her. And I feel terribly guilty because I imagine how awful it must be to lie in bed hungry and not be able to do anything about it...and not understand why it is happening... But each night I am starting to dread getting up to feed her more and more. I go to bed with a sinking feeling that I have to do another night...and the knowledge that this is going to go on for months yet!
I feed her from my breasts and I expected that I would love the feeling - that it would be warm and intimate and a gorgeous connection with my child...and for the first couple of weeks it was...but the joy has faded. I could not have anticipated just how physically and emotionally draining breastfeeding feels.... I don't resent feeding my child per say, but my breasts are starting to resent that they have to do it! My nipples hurt, my breasts are heavy and part of my feeling enormous all over, I have milk leaking all over me at times, especially at night... and more than that it feels psychologically very much a giving of myself to her - rather than simply feeding her.
I consider myself a very generous and giving person... and yet I realise that I am most happy to give when I feel like I am making a choice to do so... and more than resenting the giving I feel trapped by the sense of obligation to give... I made a choice to have a child, and now and forever more I must live up to that choice by giving of myself without choice.
I guess that part of the issue is that I don't get a lot back from her yet - its a bit of a one way street really... as it should be - but I hope and pray that when she is able to look at me and smile, cuddle me with affection, tell me she loves me, play games with me etc then I will start to feel more fulfilled. I guess I also need to start to build in things in my life which give back to me - which are fulfilling to me. As I start to develop a routine of my own I will also start to achieve things which give me a sense of reinforcement for myself... I find myself craving a relationship, and I know that this is also about having someone who will give back to me in an intimate way. I have so much support from my family and friends...especially my mum and dad who work constantly to give to me at the moment...and I consider myself incredibly blessed and lucky... what I crave in the wee hours though is a sense of refilling my tanks on a more intimate level. I guess that this is part of why people parent as couples!
I know that this is not unique to me... I imagine almost all new mothers go through times of resenting the demands their child makes on them... I don't blog about it thinking that I am sharing anything profound... but it helps to get it off my chest. Its not something I feel I can have a conversation with people about because I know that its not rational and I don't need logical reassurance... I just need to acknowledge it for myself. I feel a bit lighter already.
And do know that while I have times of feeling down and drained and that things are not quite as I had hoped...while I know that I expected it to be hard but its not something that I could have understood until I experienced it... I do also very much know that I am unbelievably blessed, fortunate, and lucky in a way that is rare and very precious. I keep reminding myself of this....
(and breathing....)
I assume she was joking...I bloody hope so! I repeatedly remind myself that it is only 3 weeks since I gave birth...(breath...chant - only three weeks...breath...) But she was referring to the need for me to find a way to converse for more than 10 minutes without talking about my boobs, breast feeding, or baby puke. And it struck a cord.
This is my fear... like the majority of new mothers I suppose... that my life will narrow to the degree that I won't have anything to talk about other than my child's latest adventure with body fluids.
I guess that some people are happy being obsessed with motherhood and their babies... I guess that if I was completely loving being a mother, if I was high on the bliss of it all, I might not mind being single mindedly focussed on one thing ... I wouldn't mind having not much else in life to talk about or think about. I'm torn because on the one hand I know that I want to focus just on her, that this is what she needs, and I feel terribly guilty when I am distracted from her needs and she suffers in any way. I'm torn because I wanted to be a mother who was able to make my child the centre of my life. My mother did that for me... I am trying...but I wish my heart was singing more about it.
I love her dearly - there is no doubt about that. At times her little face fills me with tenderness... and moments like sitting in bed with her sleeping on my lap in the morning sun feel like paper thin preciousness - so fragile, so quick to pass by, and so translucently joyful...
But at the same time... I am struggling to adjust to the demands and the hard work side of it all... Its not so much the physical demands, although its tiring I can manage that...its the emotional and mental demand to be constantly available, to care for her consistently, to think of her be present and there for her whenever she needs me. I know, you don't get the good without the bad as well...but I have moments that I regret.
Some nights I lie in bed and hear her wake and subconsciously I refuse to fully wake up... I sometimes let her go until she is really insistent and starts to get distressed, and then I can finally force myself to properly wake and get up to her. And I feel terribly guilty because I imagine how awful it must be to lie in bed hungry and not be able to do anything about it...and not understand why it is happening... But each night I am starting to dread getting up to feed her more and more. I go to bed with a sinking feeling that I have to do another night...and the knowledge that this is going to go on for months yet!
I feed her from my breasts and I expected that I would love the feeling - that it would be warm and intimate and a gorgeous connection with my child...and for the first couple of weeks it was...but the joy has faded. I could not have anticipated just how physically and emotionally draining breastfeeding feels.... I don't resent feeding my child per say, but my breasts are starting to resent that they have to do it! My nipples hurt, my breasts are heavy and part of my feeling enormous all over, I have milk leaking all over me at times, especially at night... and more than that it feels psychologically very much a giving of myself to her - rather than simply feeding her.
I consider myself a very generous and giving person... and yet I realise that I am most happy to give when I feel like I am making a choice to do so... and more than resenting the giving I feel trapped by the sense of obligation to give... I made a choice to have a child, and now and forever more I must live up to that choice by giving of myself without choice.
I guess that part of the issue is that I don't get a lot back from her yet - its a bit of a one way street really... as it should be - but I hope and pray that when she is able to look at me and smile, cuddle me with affection, tell me she loves me, play games with me etc then I will start to feel more fulfilled. I guess I also need to start to build in things in my life which give back to me - which are fulfilling to me. As I start to develop a routine of my own I will also start to achieve things which give me a sense of reinforcement for myself... I find myself craving a relationship, and I know that this is also about having someone who will give back to me in an intimate way. I have so much support from my family and friends...especially my mum and dad who work constantly to give to me at the moment...and I consider myself incredibly blessed and lucky... what I crave in the wee hours though is a sense of refilling my tanks on a more intimate level. I guess that this is part of why people parent as couples!
I know that this is not unique to me... I imagine almost all new mothers go through times of resenting the demands their child makes on them... I don't blog about it thinking that I am sharing anything profound... but it helps to get it off my chest. Its not something I feel I can have a conversation with people about because I know that its not rational and I don't need logical reassurance... I just need to acknowledge it for myself. I feel a bit lighter already.
And do know that while I have times of feeling down and drained and that things are not quite as I had hoped...while I know that I expected it to be hard but its not something that I could have understood until I experienced it... I do also very much know that I am unbelievably blessed, fortunate, and lucky in a way that is rare and very precious. I keep reminding myself of this....
(and breathing....)
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