Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Oh my god, Not my god....

Living here has highlighted for me they ways in which, in Australia and other more developed countries, we are relatively sheltered by being able to surround ourselves with people who are relatively cultured, educated, aware.... maybe not as much as we sometimes wish, but....
I am regularly shocked by the way some people here think.... and this letter in the regular "Voice of the People" column in The Fiji Times is an example that I just had to share...

"I wish to agree with Mrs **** that we are indebted to English missionaries who gave their lives in bringing Christianity to Fiji and we are indeed fortunate to witness in our generation the fruits of their labour in the existence of a large, diverse and healthy population in Fiji. Had it not been for the introduction of Christianity in Fiji it would not have been possible to acquire farm labourers from India, and English trading merchants in an environment where humans were eating their own kind.
But in God's divine plan Fiji was to be rescued from the clutches of Satan. As a Christian I can understand this and I hope Mrs **** can also realise her own existence as a gift of God through England whom God greatly utilised to bless other nations where tribal groups practiced cannibalism such as Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and even reported in the Bible in 2 Kings 6:25-30.
So if the migrant race would not have come to Fiji their decendants would have been born, raised and died in some other part of the world and that includes the Mrs *****s."

Hmmmm Now I wonder what the indentured labourers from India, and the indigenous populations of Africa, Australia etc feel about their "blessings" from the English colonialists and missionaries ????


Tony Gigov said...

I think she is spot on. I too am gratefull for Chrsitians forcing themselves into my home and stopping me from feasting on the flesh of my brethren. Now I have more room for Christians - they are lower in GI! I can almost fit into my bikini for Summer.

Anonymous said...

And of course we have to be grateful for the wonderful Christians taking all the fun out of good ol' heathen shagging!!
