Sunday, January 2, 2011

Good helping!

The angel is very much a typical girl in that her language and fine motor skills developed much faster than her gross motor skills... She can talk beautifully, draw well, knows almost all of the alphabet, but bless her, she can't drive to save herself... The boy next door (bnd) is 3 weeks younger than her, and very much a boy... He runs, jumps, climbs and powers around on his bike.
Today the angel wanted a turn on the "motorbike" (she loves cars, motorbikes, trucks and airplanes at the moment!). She barely made it move though, she was eating snail's dust really... Bnd kindly decided to teach her and they spent a merry while with him showing her how to steer, how to go fast, and how to do a u-turn... while the mummies coo-ed in glee!
I suspect they will be the terrible two by their birthdays!

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