Thursday, August 5, 2010

a sad sad moment in the toilet

So I would have taken a picture... except I would have used my phone to do it...
This morning, after reading books and playing merrily on my bed after her morning bottle, the little angel wriggled off the bed and made for my pride, my joy, my tool of life, my iPhone.   "Heeellllooooo??  Ga-Ga?  Helllooo?"  she exclaimed, poking hopefully at the phone... so dutifully I obeyed and pressed the call button and Ga Ga was there on the line and they had a lovely chat...
And then my mistaken action began.  A lovely bonding moment turned sour in mere minutes... I was distracted.  I was having a moment of quiet contemplation... I don't know what I was doing - staring blankly into space perhaps... but I roused myself to the sound of a little voice saying "ooooooooooooooh" in a tone that brought instant fear to my heart.  Oh dear... what had she done now??  Now that she is walking a disaster is never more than a momentary distraction away.
I leapt out of bed and peered around anxiously - where could she be??
And then I midnight stagger to the loo had been incomplete.  I didn't close the toilet door.  With a sinking feeling I hustled down the hall... and sure enough... there is a little angel face peeping anxiously into the toilet bowl repeating "oooooooooh".  And there in the toilet bowl... submerged mournfully... you guessed it.  Mummy's iPhone.
I can write no more...
Tis a dark dark day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, that was such a good article! How innocent and yet such a sad,sad day that you lost that iphone! Good thing it wasn't flushed! I have done the same thing, except it fell off my side to the loo! Thanks for sharing, that was incredibly funny! Sorry, I am sorry for your loss a little!