Wednesday, July 18, 2007

romping with the orphans

So the intrepid and ever hopeful mother-to-be went exploring....
Visiting Treasure House Orphanage was an experience in mob management of the gooiest, stickiest, loveliest type... each determined to outshine the others, the kids scaled ever greater heights of cute.... The place is poor, the conditions poor.... a row of cots, along the wall and mattresses on the floor.... little chris in the blue played with a broken chair leg with the wonderous creativity of kids who have never been exposed to brain sucking masquerading as play station... the staff said they sometimes run out of food, but then money is taken out of their wages.
If you would like to help... email me and I will arrange for donations of toys, bedding, clothes etc. Apparently they need a blender for the babies food, and a computer and internet connection... even orphans need technology :-) will this be the end of happy chair leg play?

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