Wednesday, January 2, 2013

making an angel smile

So there are a great many things that I would like to do in life... so many that I most often find myself tangled in the web of choices and rendered immobile by the limitless options... But in the last month or so I have realised, more than ever, that there is really only one path that matters most.  I have a great many things that I would like to be doing with my life - if I was just thinking about me.  Thus far I have pulled myself in knots trying to tick off the good parent goal on my list and as many others as possible at the same time.  This New Year I realise that actually the thing that really makes me happy is making this little face smile.  In the end I can put aside my stressing about which is the most meaningful path to take and whether to save the world or be an artist or study or grow vegetables...because in the end there is only one litmus test to pass - do my choices make my angel happy?  and all the rest is compromise.

1 comment:

Allison said...

well said rhi, great shot of your angel. smiling happy healthy kids....its quite simple when we let it be.
happy new year , Allison x