Friday, January 6, 2012

eBay me

So I've been packing up, sorting, and attempting to get rid of stuff... Some things I've given away, some I have chucked, and some I have sold.... Last week I pondered the dilemma of the junk that was too big to put in the bin. The thought of a trip to the dump was unappealing... So in a light bulb moment I hit on the idea of putting the junk on eBay for 99 the hope that someone would take it all away for me....
And lo!
Not only will some lovely people come and get my junk... But for one broken old oven, a mixer that doesn't work, and an ancient video player... these saviours are going to pay me the princely sum of $255...

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Denial is a funny old thing... It wraps you in a downie blanket of apparent comfort...but after a moment of luxuriating you realize that the doona is prickly, a little too hot, slightly suffocating....
Yet here I sit, watching daytime TV, pretending I don't have a house to pack, a life to sort, a life to leave behind...and a new life to begin.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Seven work days... Goodbye red cross

I have seven work days left... I have loved working for red cross in so many ways... Of course I bitch and moan about the management...but then... I've done that in every job I have ever had (which makes it extra terrifying to be standing on the threshold of BEing the management!). For all the boss blundering however, I still feel proud each and every day I put on my red and white lanyard and security tags....
So recently I did have a momentary rush of emotion at the thought of ending this four year journey....
And then it passed....
And I went back to being numb and stressed...
How I hope my new role lives up to all I hope it will be... And how I hope I don't discover that the nerves were in fact sensible and I am in fact woefully unprepared and unsuitable.... Breathing breathing breathing....

The countdown

And so Christmas has come and gone and so has the start of the new year... And with it my mental deadline of the countdown to going... I told myself that until New Year I still had plenty of time... And now 2012 has arrived and the countdown has started. 46 days....