So many magical moments.... I am, like most parents, constantly amazed and amused by what the angel says, and how it shows her mind to be working. Perhaps enhanced by the fact that the angel's verbal skills seem to be her strongest ability, she takes my breath away on a daily basis with the way she articulates quite complex, sometimes profound, sometimes hilarious concepts. Sadly.... one of the side effects of almost three years of sleep deprivation, oh and packing up my home, moving countries, changing jobs, christmas, other babies being born, and turning 40 all at the same time (phew) is an almost total loss of short term memory.
So often I am bowled over by one of her little utterances, but don't have the presence of mind to stop and write it down and they are lost forever....
Today I have remembered one... its not one of the more stunning ones... but since my computer happened to by accessible I thought I would record it :-)
Angel : You are big mummy.
Me : Yes, I am bigger than you (trying not to take it as a commentary on my gradual reversal of my recent weight loss)
Angel : I'm growing bigger mummy
Me : Yes, yes you are...
Angel : Are you growing bigger too mummy?
Me : (sigh) Yes honey, unfortunately I seem to be...
Angel : Hmmm Is it fun being bigger mummy?
Its not profound... but shows a developmental ability to compare between herself and others (and to have a concept of her own seperate uniqueness) and a curiousity about the future (will it be fun when I am bigger?)...
Go little angel... set your mind aflight... and yes, I trust that it will be a lot of fun when you are bigger :-)
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