Sunday, July 22, 2012

importance fatigue

So I do love a good challenge... and so let me preface this post by saying that behind any appearance of moaning I am actually still loving the momentous and life changing challenge that this job is delivering.  BUT... I have importance fatigue.  Everything is important... I get it... its all damn important...but sheesh - could it give a girl a break sometimes??  There is never a day when I don't have at least 5 urgent important things to attend do, and usually a lot more than 5.  And as well as all the things that I think are important, I try to be mindful of the fact that every email I get is important to the sender, all the little issues that people bug about they are important to them.  I might be tempted to ignore one, or more, because the issue is not on my importance radar - but having a positive, receptive, engaged and respectful organisational culture I have to take it all as important.  Sigh.  I run, all day, trying to cover as much as I can, trying to work out which important thing is taking priority today, now, in the next hour....and  I am tired.  And I come home and my evenings and weekends are full of things that my little angel thinks are important - and so I have to be turned on her her too... and I am tired.  And I know its all important but sometimes I don't want to care so much.  And now I have a cold tomorrow - I am calling in sick, I am going to stay in bed.  And I know it won't help because the important things pile will be twice as big the next day - but I am going to stay in bed all day and get better.  Because hey, thats important too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear someone else who thinks Facebook is over-rated and delivers a false sense of friendship and connection to people. I wish you all the best on your crusade back to email - funny how email seems almost old-fashioned though!