Saturday, July 28, 2012


So its been a busy and really tiring week... Its saturday night now and my working week is a long way from over.  And the days are so full that sometimes it feels like being underwater, fighting to get to the surface for air and having to scrabble my way through layer after layer of seaweed.  I never make it to the top.
Today a friend came to visit and I started to describe my day yesterday, the issues I was dealing with, the reasons I am tired today... and her eyes got wider and wider - wow...she, interrupted, you are dealing with a lot... "and thats just the first two hours of the day" I said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When overwhelmed with so much work and especially the importance of your work, just remember you are working wonders and making a huge difference with the task you are completing.

There will always be competing priorities and more important issues for you to deal with, but there are only so many that you can tackle at any one time. Prioritise and remember that you also need some "you" time, else you will just feel snowed under continually.

Know that you have accepted the exciting challenge that the universe has delivered to you and that you ARE making a big difference in this world. Start by believing and realising that and you can tackle anything! :-)