Monday, November 5, 2012


So I am feeling kind of torn.  On the one hand I am fighting tooth and nail to protect the services that I believe in, the organisation that has grown over 18 years, the staff who have given their all for the psychosocial wellbeing of our clients... on the other hand I am not entirely unsympathetic when I am told that the health funding is going into preventing babies from dying of pneumonia (common here) and gastro (too common also) and adults in their prime dying of diabetes, or having limbs amputated...and that until the very basic levels of health care are in place to keep people alive, mental health just doesn't figure on the agenda.  It kind of takes the wind out of my fight.  I will keep on keeping on, but you know, just saying...


Anonymous said...


What you do is just as important. Just because you cant see mental illness doesnt mean it is not as iimportant, but you are right it would put it into perspective. So what happens if the funding doesn't come through? Do you get redeployed to one of those areas so that you can continue to do a wonderful committed job helping others?

Wanderlust said...

no - I go back to Oz and try and find a job in a country where all the social services have also been defunded.