I seem to have said Yes to going back to work in Fiji.
I seem to have said that I would uproot my comfortable life here, and move to a country where I know almost no-one, where I don't connect with the culture, where I have no support networks, where my lifestyle is unacceptable, where I will have no babysitters or support with Indi, where she will be in a totally new and unfamiliar environment and have to get used to a new day care centre with unfamiliar looking kids, new nanny, new home...where I will be doing a new and highly responsible job, and coming home to an empty house, alone.
I seem to be feeling a not insubstantial level of anxiety about this.
The job offer in Fiji came at a time when I desperately needed a way out of the stuckness of my daily life. I was feeling trapped in a ground hog day, unable to resolve several critical issues in my life, feeling empty and numb inside and knowing I needed to find myself and my passion and my enthusiasm for life again. So I put it out there to the universe that I needed something, anything, that would get me out of my stuckness and into life again, something that would make me feel like I was living some kind of meaningful existance beyond raising my child and the day to day routines of an everyday life.
And the universe provided. Out of the blue an email arrived in my inbox offering me an opportunity too good to refuse. I was asked to return to the organisation I worked with before, the organisation that changed my life last time I was stuck, to the place where I found myself again last time, to the job that made me feel like I was making a difference in the world. But this time I was asked to return as the Director... to take over from my old boss and run the show.
This is the opportunity I needed. Exactly. This, I have learned, is how things happen in my life when I am on my path. Exactly the right thing happens at exactly the right time. I just need to have the courage to go with it. This is the way of my path... When I am not on my path everything seems hard and every way I go I come up against obstacles. When I am on my path - great things unroll before my eyes and everything falls neatly into place. I just need to have enough faith to put my foot forward and take the first step.
And so I said Yes.
I felt the fear... and I stepped forward anyway.
And I am still feeling the fear.
I potter along in my comfortable life, living day to day, enjoying the moments... and then in a moment I remember... I remember that in a little over 6 months I will be gone. My daughter and I will get on an airplane and go to a foreign country and we will be alone. I will take on a new enormous responsibility. I will be alone in the evenings, with my sleeping child. I won't be here to see my friends babies grow into their first years. I won't be here to spend weekends with my family, watching Indi and her grandparents enjoy each other. I won't be here to hold my partner's hand.
And in those moments I think "holy crap what have I done?"... and my heart rises into the back of my throat and the world around me goes a little blurry... and often I simply choose to stop thinking about it, take a deep breath and focus on the present moment... and my breathing slows back down and the tears subside and I feel some semblance of normal again. But the anxiety stays there in the background, underneath, lurking, nibbling at my mind, chasing me in the quiet moments.
So I need to combat the anxiety - and to do this I need to stay connected with the reasons why I do want to do this. When I focus on everything that I am losing and the risks and unknown elements I lose faith in myself and in my path. If I am to continue to breath normally I need to keep reminding myself of what I wanted when I invited this opportunity into my life. I need to keep remembering that this is an opportunity not a sentence.
This is my chance to make a difference in the world. This is my chance to help people, to help a really valuable and important organisation to do really valuable and important work with people who really need it. This is actually not about me. It is not about my lifestyle or really my career (although it will help that too). It is not about comfort or friends or nice cafes. It is about something bigger. This is about being in the world in a way which makes the world a slightly better place. This is about living a meaningful life. This is about living from my heart (rather than my desires). If I wanted a comfortable life that was just about satisfying my wants, then I would stay here.... I would enjoy the cafes and the friends and the nights out when my parents babysit, and the nice days out in the nice parks with my daughter, and the good food in the supermarkets, and the wonderful pleasantness of it all.
Recently in a waiting room I read a magazine article about a girl who, at 25 years old, is living in Cambodia running an orphanage. She has given up a comfortable young life of clubs and bars and weekends away with friends... and of building a cushy career and wearing nice clothes and meeting boys... and she is looking after kids who really need her. And she has no intension of coming home. She is happy. And I was shocked. How could she really give up a fun life at home to sacrifice in that way for the kids? And then I was shocked at myself! How did I become someone who was shocked by that!? When I was her age I would have understood completely. I would have wanted to go myself. When I was younger than her I did go out in the world myself and want to do good. I really really wanted to do good in the world. I was passionate about compassion. I lived from my heart. And then over the years that passion faded... Somehow I started to care about good coffee and a nice lifestyle more than I cared about the poor of the world. Somehow I started to care about looking pretty and having a pretty house and eating pretty food and buying pretty toys for my daughter.
Somehow I lost my passion.
I don't meditate anymore.
I don't know how I feel anymore.
Its no wonder I feel numb - I don't connect with my heart anymore.
So this is my chance. This is my chance to go out in the world and find my heart again. This is my chance to put aside my attachment to my own comfortable little life and embrace the bigger picture. This decision to go is not about my lifestyle... it is about doing what is right, what is meaningful, what helps people, what makes a difference.
So I need to stop focusing on whether I will find nice friends or a nice house or a nice car. I need to stop worrying about whether I will have a nice lifestyle in Fiji...
And I need to focus on the fact that this is my opportunity to be the person I once believed I could be.
My favourite quote is :
I cannot do everything, but I can still do something.... and I will not refuse to do the something I can do. Helen Keller
This is about doing something.
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